How to end loan


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19 June 2016
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I have had a pony on loan for 4 months now, it's been going well and is really enjoyed having him but due to a change of jobs I don't feel I'm able to give him the time anymore. Hes such a lovely pony and his owner has been so good to me, I'm worried that it may cause upset to end the loan but it wouldn't be fair to carry on. I am happy to give a months notice but I am concious the owner is struggling financially and I feel this will top it off. I am also concerned that she may be angry as I've only had him a short amount of time. I worry that because the owners financial struggles the pony may have to be sold 😞 how do I go about ending the loan? Am I best to arrange to meet the owner face to face or message her as she is usually very busy? Any help would be appreciated please!!


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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You can't take on worries about the owner. Loans are not intended to be for life.

Ideally it would be better face to face because you can explain your reasoning and why you need to end the loan now. You can also talk about things like access to the pony so he can be advertised and sold whilst still in your care etc. But if you rarely see her you may have no choice but to message her instead and perhaps ask to talk? Either way back up the conversation - once you have it - with a message of some form or another specifying the date you will return the pony on - just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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I have a horse on loan, the lady who has him got in to difficulties and tried to muddle on. My horse has suffered because of this. ( not saying your loan pony will, its just an example) If she had rung me I would have been happy to have him back, or helped her out a bit but instead she has let him get run down. I have terminated the contract and will be reclaiming him ASAP.9 I am arranging transport) Just because a horse is on loan it does not mean they are not wanted. The owner will be sad but not angry as I am sure she only wants whats best for her horse.