How to ger livery?


Well-Known Member
3 December 2015
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i have not long bought a horse my cousin is just starting to look we were wondering how she goes about finding a livery spot the stables we jave spoke to wont hold a spot for her and she obousily cant buy a horse till she has somewhere in still at the yard my horse was in previously and lkoking to move thry dont have any spaces anyway how has anyone else managed this situation


Well-Known Member
14 November 2010
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You can pay a holding fee -some yards might charge a token amount, and at others you might need to pay the basic rent charge. You basically start renting your box / field and don't put anything in it.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Its a balancing act between paying the seller to hold onto the horse and / or paying the yard of your choice to hold onto the box! It can depend on how much choice you have - in both!

If you are really keen on one a particular yard, or because of where you live only one yard is possible then budget for and pay the fees as soon as a space becomes available. Then look like mad for a horse. Equally if you have several yards available but a really tight restriction on the type of horse then look for the horse first and put them wherever there is space, planning to move as soon as possible to a more favorable yard. Its not an easy time of year to be doing this I'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2015
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As previously mentioned, the best way is to pay livery for an empty space until she has chosen her horse. It might seem like a waste of money but it's definitely worth it to secure a space on the yard you want or need.

I found a horse I liked and secured a space on one yard, each within a matter of days. The yard fell through. I found a new yard, then the horse purchase fell through! Fortunately, it all came together in the end and I'm on the best yard around, with a better horse than the first after all ��