How to get away with it


Well-Known Member
4 February 2009
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How to get away with it!


Our lovely horsebox was stolen in 2009! Heartbreak all round - lost tack, rugs, clothing, bits and bobs,....memories!!!! BUT guess what WE FOUND IT - yes against all the odds -it was an unusual conversion - on an Isuzu - not common and a fab - a bit different - build within the living. So we knew it was ours - just looked at the pictures and ooh that's our lorry - Anyway the upshot is - If you want to steal a horsebox - just put it on another chassis and the police, insurance company etc. won't be interested - never mind that you have lost your property, insurance excess, my sister's near nervous breakdown following the theft in broad daylight - also our huge amount of work in tracing the stolen vehicle, bringing it to the attention of the powers that be, chasing them up to investigate - afterall it is a matter of selling on stolen property and several other horseboxes were stolen from the same area at the same time.. Surely they want to stop the gang who are doing this to us????

The only reason we found our box (although it now seems as if the police can't be bothered or know who it is and don't want to get involved) is because it was an unusual build on an Isuzu and the vendor made the mistake of wanting to meet potential buyers in supermarket carparks having mentioned in the ad that it was built by Davenports who only ever built on two Isuzu Chassis - one of which was stolen - OURS!!!! SO NOW YOU KNOW HOW TO GET AWAY WITH IT!!!

Where do we go now to recover our property - - ok the insurance paid out - but not full value and we had to pay an excess on the vehicle and another on our property that was stolen so are well in excess of £1,000 out of pocket!

Comments would be appreciated!
Every stroke, every strike, Every heart beats alike.
Every muscle aches the same, Every player wants the game.
Seeking the ball on balanced stride, A mouth light, a joy to ride.
Following the ball true to goal, As thundering hooves pass each pole.
To Ride Off needs a ponys skill, A fast run, a ponys will.
Chukkas end, new ponies play. In Polo, ponies win the day