Well-Known Member
Hi, having problems with new horsey, a TB from Newmarket, is obviously not used to standing while being mounted and absolutely hates the mounting block, is scared of it. When we put the saddle on, he starts to fidget, take the head collar off and then when we check the girth, stirrups etc,he goes around me in a circle, even when I hold him for my daughter to get on, as soon as she puts her foot in the iron, he rushes forward and gets himself all worked up, because he couldnt immediately leave the yard as I was fetching the dog lead to walk out with her, he started to panic a bit and went around in circles. Once he is off and walking he is fine, and a dream to hack out, the saddle is newly fitted and we had his teeth checked (that was a disaster, with him rearing up and flipping over, resulting in 3 facial fractures and months of box rest!) we have only had him 4 months and are only just bringing him back into work after his accident, just walking out. Anyone who has had an ex racer with mounting issues, then please give any advice, otherwise he is fab on the ground, very gentle, excellent to lead to the field etc and tie up. Its a bad habbit that we have got to break. Also, hates any pressure on his mouth and flips his head, he is in a french link snaffle, his teeth are now done (!) so, not pain there, he isnt used to contact and I think may have had a heavy had in the past from the jockys. He is un fit and is also not picking up his back feet in trot properly, but fine in walk, I guess we just need to do power walking up hills etc, he looks weak in the back to me and rather like an upside down horse, with little top line etc.
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