How to organise horse hunting?


Well-Known Member
3 March 2011
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About to start my horse search again for the new year. I don't mind the travelling but if i am going to travel furthur afield i would rather try and fit in several horses in that area in the same day.

I have found some that i would like to see that (at least) are in the same county as thats all you can tell from the advert. But its not until you call you find out that they are opposite sides of the county from each other. Or you plan on going on the saturday but the people can only see you on the sunday or you have arranged times with one that the other can not fit in with. I know the people selling have their own lifes to lead also but arrrggghhhhh!!

Any tips to help me get more organised with this?


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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It is just a bit of a pain! We travelled all over and only once managed to fit another in that was a similar area of the country.

Until you have called and found out more then you often don't know if you are interested enough to view them anyway so I would just call up and have a chat first. If all sounds good then expain that you would like to view, but since you have a way to come, that you would like to fit in more than one viewing on the day. Find out a couple of days/times that suit the owner, and then call up your second potential. If all sounds good then see if they can fit in with any of the times given to you. I wouldn't try and fit more than two into a day as you don't want to have to rush off from a promising viewing to keep another appointment.

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
18 December 2009
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It's a pain! I recently travelled to see what looked to be my perfect horse 70 miles away. It was far from perfect. I got home, went back on the Internet that night and found a new advert for another horse which looked ideal...5 miles from the one I had just been to see!!!! Luckily for my sanity and my cars rapidly rising mileage the second one didn't score so well once I'd phoned up about it. This was only the start of my horse hunting and miraculously I found my new boy very quickly, he was the 4th horse I saw. But I was expecting to be looking for months, I shocked myself how quickly it all came about in the end, I was only actively looking for a fortnight then tried him on a Sunday, had him vetted on the Tuesday and picked him up on the Friday. That was 6 weeks ago I think I'm still in shock!!! Hopefully your horse hunt will be a short one too :eek:)