HOYS M&M Champ


Well-Known Member
11 August 2005
off to Hell in a hangingbasket
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I just noticed that the winner of the M&M Champion of the Year is Southley Red Ember, who was the champ of the Dartmoor, Exmoor and Shetland (not sure which one of those it is though). It's good to see one of the smaller breeds winning against the large ones and holding their own. Helton Misty IV was the reserve, champ of the Dales, Fells and Highlands - this year they're definately going for something other than the Welsh cobs&Conemmara, though I am a fan of both. I'm patriotically proud of the cobs, love them and would definately have one if I didn't have Titan (he's a traditional coloured cob)! Or maybe a Fell, Dales or Highland - I like chunky, hairy creatures!

(Already posted in New Lounge but thought afterwards that I prob should have put it in here!)