I was at one last week and there was a girl of 12 at the table next to us!!saying that she looked much older and her father is the huntsman but i think thats a teeney bit too young!!at 12 she is much to sweet and innocent to be exposed to the raucousness of a hunt ball!!
Most hunts around me arrange a junior hunt ball for the younger members and then over 18s go to the main ball since that is the legal age to drink here anyway
I went to my first official Hunt Ball when i was about 17 but before tat I just went to the junior HBs, they usually have people from about 13 up I think???
I went to my hunt ball first when I was 16- I think it is frowned upon for people to bring younger children- wait until Buckybee gets here, she will know how our hunt stands on it- P&P used to be quite strict on ages, licencing and all.
I went to my first hunt ball when i was 15, but that was only to sell raffle tickets all night, selective older members of the pony club were "offered" the job!!! Obviously free ticket too!
It was brilliant, as soon as the job was done, no one cared and we just partied with the rest of them!!
I first went when i was 13 with my mum, and me and mates went from about 15+.
I think it probably depends on who you are with, if you were with a group of adults then you can probably get away with it, but I whole table of scholl kids might be a bit odd.
I think it will just depend on the hunt/venue etc, the same as pub/clubs/parties and the likes.
Our hunt once did a ball for under 18's but they had a bar anyway! Was quite cool really!!