Well-Known Member
Hello all, I would be grateful if any hunt members here could advise me regarding insurance for their hunt, i.e. I am particularly interested in insurance that will indemnify the farmers whose land we cross. And also indemnify the landowner where the hunt kennels are located, from any incident that may occur to anyone looking after and caring for the hounds. Just to clarify the hunt kennel landowner receives a small annual fee for the use of his kennels and various hunt members voluntarily feed and look after the hounds.
The hunt I am involved with has insurance but opinions are varied as to the level of cover for the hunt kennels landowner. We are awaiting clarification from the Insurance company.
Thank you.
The hunt I am involved with has insurance but opinions are varied as to the level of cover for the hunt kennels landowner. We are awaiting clarification from the Insurance company.
Thank you.