Well-Known Member
While this could open a can of worms I am going to post this anyway:
I was out on the Mendips on Saturday, off to enjoy the sunny weather with my family. As we were driving down towards Priddy the car in front of us was driving in an erratic manner; 15-20mph speeding up / slowing down, weaving over the road / central white line etc. It soon became apparent as we rounded one corner that the local hunt was out as the road sides were chocca with hunt foot followers and their vehicles.
Traffic had come to a halt on the 2 lane section of road as cars tried to navigate around the parked vehicles on the verges. Erratic driver suddenly pulled over - no indication or anything and seemed perplexed as to why my partner was rather cross.
The point to this post? If you are a foot follower please be aware of other road users and be courteous and abide by the Highway Code. I appreciate that it is only a minority of inconsiderate people that act this way but it is this minority that the general public remember most and doesn't help the hunt cause at all.If you are a hunt foot follower and see other supporters blocking roads / inconsiderate parking etc perhaps raising awareness with them wouldn't go amiss? I am sure no hunt wishes negative publicity in any form and this sort of behaviour is so very easy to avert.
Public perception is a narrow thing - even my OH (of 11 years so should be used to me and the hairy ponies by now) was sprouting words like 'toffs'.

I was out on the Mendips on Saturday, off to enjoy the sunny weather with my family. As we were driving down towards Priddy the car in front of us was driving in an erratic manner; 15-20mph speeding up / slowing down, weaving over the road / central white line etc. It soon became apparent as we rounded one corner that the local hunt was out as the road sides were chocca with hunt foot followers and their vehicles.
Traffic had come to a halt on the 2 lane section of road as cars tried to navigate around the parked vehicles on the verges. Erratic driver suddenly pulled over - no indication or anything and seemed perplexed as to why my partner was rather cross.
The point to this post? If you are a foot follower please be aware of other road users and be courteous and abide by the Highway Code. I appreciate that it is only a minority of inconsiderate people that act this way but it is this minority that the general public remember most and doesn't help the hunt cause at all.If you are a hunt foot follower and see other supporters blocking roads / inconsiderate parking etc perhaps raising awareness with them wouldn't go amiss? I am sure no hunt wishes negative publicity in any form and this sort of behaviour is so very easy to avert.
Public perception is a narrow thing - even my OH (of 11 years so should be used to me and the hairy ponies by now) was sprouting words like 'toffs'.