The Bicester does, afaik pretty much every hunt does...err have to admit I think I have let my membership slip, but then the sub does bankrupt me It used to be about £10-£20 I think? They do Pub of the Month, skittles, sell pullovers and caps, that sort of thing...
Our hunt doesn't have one which is why I was asking. As we are always looking for new ways to encourage followers/ supporters I've been asked by the committee to set one up, however I'm looking for ideas that other hunts do and how it should be priced.
we have one, they count subscribers as HSC members, otherwise you can join for £20. they do most of the fundraising for the hunt, doing balls (except the masters ball), pub of the month, 100 club, raffles at the meets, terrier shows, gymnkhana's (sp?), barbeques, pleasure rides etc.
We charge £8 per annum or £40 life membership. This includes an events card and inclusion in social mailings. Meet cards and subscriptions are charged separately.
We also run a Young Hunt Supporters Group called the Young Entry which is free to join and automatically includes any hunt supporter under 30.
Between the two groups we organise a range of social functions that raise money and allow everyone to have a great time after hunting and in the close season.
We have a committee for both the Hunt Supporters and the Young Entry, each with a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
Young Entry Events (organised by the under 30s but open to everyone)
Pub Grub Evenings
Start of Season Party
Equine First Aid Training
Ice Skating Trip
Punting on River Cam
Greyhound Racing Trip
Hunt Supporters' Events
End of Season Bash
Christmas Draw & Quiz
Family Quiz
Summer Ball
Hound Exercise on Bikes
Point to Point
Pleasure Ride
Hunt Horse Show & Gymkhana
Clay Shoot
Car Treasure Hunt
Barn Dance
Opera in the Park
Opening Meet Lunch & Auction
Hound Racing
New for 2011
Song Night & Supper
Cricket Tournament
Hope that helps give you some idea of how we operate. Any questions then feel free to PM me.