Hunting a baby for the first time - advice please


Well-Known Member
21 February 2007
UK, Bristol
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I have hunted a couple of times myself mainly taking out second horse ( a long time ago!)
I have been invited out with my boyfriend with the Army at Larkhill, I am going to take my Irish Cob who I have had two months, he is nearly 4 and so far seems very sensible, not planning to do all day just a bit of an introduction for him. I will put a green ribbon in his tail and both horses will be plaited. but I have a few questions -

What should I wear? Would you use a stronger bit in a baby? he is currently in a french link fulmer snaffle?

What should a guy wear? OH's horse has hunted previously but he never has.

Is there any advice you can give me or is there anything else you might think I should know!?

Thanks in advance!


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7 August 2005
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I'm in a similar postion, I havent yet decided what bit Lucky will go in, but will probably be either a pelham with 2 reins or a cheltenham gag with 2 reins, so we have the snaffle for the majority, but something a bit stronger if need be!! Good luck.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
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I took Inka, my big Belgium draught x out in her snaffle (loose ring lozenge) for her first time, as she isn't at all strong on fun rides or hacking. She was fine in it but next time I will try a waterford loose ring just to lighten her up a bit as she was starting to lean.
She is only 4 and very green.

My very limited experience of the RA is that there is no jumping and lots of hills. The Plain can blow some horses brains as there is so much space and you can just keep going.

Both of you should wear either a black jacket or tweed.
With a black jacket it should be a white stock and with a tweed a coloured stock. Or you can wear a shirt and tie with either.
Beige jods and black boots, short boots and gaiters are fine.
A plain hat cover is better.

Most of all enjoy yourselves!


Well-Known Member
21 February 2007
UK, Bristol
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Good luck to you too Kat!

Thanks Irish Cobs, being an irish cob i think he is more likely to get leany than strong so I think your suggestion of a waterford is a good one, I have one with full cheeks to help with the steering!

Never been with the RA, is there likely to be no jumping at all? not that it matters this is just for education. He doesnt seem to like to keep going for too long!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
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They my find the odd log or tank track to jump.
If your at Larkhill they may be allowed to jump the odd horse trial jump but they don't have natural jumps as they don't have many hedge lines.


Well-Known Member
15 April 2008
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Make sure you always face the hounds if your horse has never seen them before.
I normally tell everyone who I'm following that it's a baby and they give me extra room.

Dolls wears the same bit as normal, but she's not that fit so she'll run out of puff before we run out of room.

My OH wears black wool hunt jacket (mears), shirt & stock. Cream jods, long black boots & normal black hat.

Have a great time.