Hunting a Warmblood....


Well-Known Member
25 January 2007

I have a 5 yr old mare, imported from holland but she has been professionally produced and seems to be somewhat 'restricted' (she works in a lovely outline but I can't open her up) even out in the fields I can't really get her to open up unless she's spooked... :shocked:

I'd love to take her hunting to see if that helps her find a bit of 'joy de vivre' but she's a bit funny about other horses being too close to her, she is pretty babyish and she can be very nappy and she sometimes has bucking/rearing fits.

Took my old WB hunting a few times last season - he loved it but it seemed to blow his mind a bit. :eek:

Who else hunts on WBs? are they wired a bit different? I think it effects the imported ones more because they don't even really 'do' hacking out in holland. I am pretty sure the napping would be ok and I can tie a ribbon on her tail for the kicking, I'm just concerned that she might lose the plot a little and show me up :eek:

Also, she's in a snaffle at the mo and have never ridden her in anything else. Should I change this?
Thanks guys x

PS - anyone in York want to come out with me for moral support?? we're not that bad, honest. :grin:


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6 November 2003
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My WB is an awesome hunter, has been used as a hireling too. Are there any fun rides you can go on around you, with some friends, to get a gauge of how she will behave at speed with others?


Well-Known Member
25 January 2007
That's a good idea - mind you, I seem to remember I always find 'fun' rides a bit traumatic as no one seems to have any manners... (or perhaps that's just up here.. )


Well-Known Member
11 January 2007
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I took one of my young stallions out just before a regional champs because he was a bit stuffy.... he qual for the winter champs!!!
I have a Spanish stallion that i take out for the same reasons and it does him the world of good.
just because they are warmbloods it should be no problem at all the German warmblood i took out had never been hacked he was really cool about it .
Only you know your horse, go out for a good couple of hacks with some friends and if that ok why not go out and do a bit of the 'Autumn hound ex'
Enjoy. I know i do and so do my boys.


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6 October 2006
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I have a czech warmblood, he was produced here in the uk but does get stuffy even out hacking, I was apprehensive about taking him but spoke to our secretary and chose a quiet day, he loved it he wasn't silly but he did have a bit more life and his schooling was refreshed, I find I have to do something each month ie fun rides, showjumping, a good blast just to keep him happy.

Ryu was in a loose ring french link snaffle, I didn't change and he was fine, I think theres a saying like never try things for the first time hunting or something along those lines.....


Well-Known Member
18 August 2007
East Midlands
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I guess if she's a bit "nappy" your snaffle should be fine, especially if she does bucking/rearing fits! As Bailysno1 says don't change it.

Probably the napping wouldn't come into play. It's usually the case that for the first and second time out hunting they are normally surprised and unaware, quite well behaved, it's the third go that gets them going and then they react quite energetically!

I had a Dutch KWPN and his problem was nap related, I doubt he would have gone XC as he would have put stops in. Good in the dressage, but I couldn't always hack him. He would have probably been fine hunting but I don't think going out on point would have gone well!


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31 July 2005
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I used to hunt my imported WB Olympic and he was fabulous. An absolute saint. Never pulled or hotted up, I didn't have to worry too much about holding the reins and he jumped everything. He didn't mind my sisters more TB type, hyped up WB running into the side of him to stop either :)

It totally depends on the horse.


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
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Sorry, but why would you not be able to hunt WB's??? I can kind of see why people ask about taking TB's hunting, but WB's??

don't want to sound rude, but I'm sure your horse isn't wired differently or too mental to go hunting just because it is a warm blood!

If TB's are too mental and WB's, that doesn't leave us with much does it!! :confused:


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
Im going to take my 3/4 warmblood Spider out hunting this winter hopefully this side of xmas.

She is sharp but also a bit lazy if that makes sense! And although does jump XC and is incredibly scopey, sometimes has some issues XC and is spooky or just gets half way round so hopefully taking her hunting a few times will do her good.

I say go for it! :)


Well-Known Member
18 July 2007
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My boss has a WB stallion who has hunted since he was four (now 20): he's the slowest, safest hunter on the planet. Will not go closer than a horses length to the horse in front, jumps everything and stands dead still whenever you need him to.

Go for it!


Well-Known Member
25 January 2007
Thanks Guys, that actually helps - she's got no problem jumping I just wanted to see what other people's experiences were like with horses who have been produced a similar way! I agree though that it IS down to the individual horse

BB2 - steady on - I wasn't saying WBs are a problem as a breed - they are just not a 'traditional' hunting horse and some can be a bit 'stuffy' due to their different start in life abroad.

If you take a 'warmblood' in it's oldest sense then they should be perfect as originally were TBs crossed with a bit of sense! :grin:


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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Sorry, but why would you not be able to hunt WB's??? I can kind of see why people ask about taking TB's hunting, but WB's??

don't want to sound rude, but I'm sure your horse isn't wired differently or too mental to go hunting just because it is a warm blood!

If TB's are too mental and WB's, that doesn't leave us with much does it!! :confused:

Why would a TB be to mental to go hunting? If TB's want to P2P they have to hunt!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
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No I totally agree, all I was saying is that I can understand why some people would be uneasy taking a TB hunting, and want reassurance that they can be quite sane. :)

I was just a bit miffed about why anyone would think that, in general, WB's would not be suitable for hunting! :smirk: Like OP says - they are really very suitable if you think about it. :)

My dad has got a very fine TB, and he wouldn't be my first choice to take in our very trappy country, but I imagine he wil be out at some point this season! :grin:

I'd say 99% of horses will make a good hunter, with the right rider. :)


Well-Known Member
1 July 2007
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I bought my wbxtb last september, missed the autumn hunting, so went straight into main season! eek- i didn't know how he would take to it as he had mainly done showjumping and dressage (had a very sheltered and late start in life). I must say the first 3 meets were not enjoyable... he is very impatient and found the whole group of horses, dogs, people very mind blowing! I had everything....pawing the ground, spinning, mini rears, no brakes, but i found he was better when he travelled with my friends horse who was much calmer. At least at that meet i was able to get some nibbles and port, at the others i missed out because i had to keep circling him!!!
He came to me in a french link snaffle, which i then changed to a french link 3 ring gag, and i now have brakes with him on the last hole plus a flash noseband!
But he just loves it!! His eyes are popping out of his sockets, but he's really in his element. Especially with the jumps!!!
I haven't taken him out yet this season, planning a meet this sat, so we;ll have to see!
One thing i can really say, is that he was really bad at going behind other horses out hacking, he always wants to be in the front, and hunting has REALLY helped with this. I think hunting is excellent for bringing horses out of their shells, and i would definately give your mare a day out, and just see. Maybe go to a childrens meet, where its slightly slower to start with, talk to your secretary, i;m sure someone could nanny you for the first time.

ENjoy!! Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
23 February 2007
My horse is an imported WB and sounds exactly like yours, i took her hunting this weekend to open her up and although she wasn't the speediest in the field..she didn't nap half as much as usual and seems to be starting to find fifth gear..

May be worth going hunting on a quiet day with a couple of horse, she was really good next to other horses, although she did have a ribbbon in her tail as she is prone to having 'space' issues..And as long as i gently pushed her and let her go forward without holding her back we did ok in our french link.

Good luck, i think it may really help you both


Well-Known Member
5 September 2005
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Masterbronze - who did you go out with? I'm half tempted to try taking my warmblood (lazy and naps a lot on hacks) but not sure if I've got the bottle. Friend has just started hunting with Cheshire Farmers and it looks so much fun that I'm considering it...