Hunting advice please??


Well-Known Member
16 November 2009
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Does anyone hunt in a Liverpool Driving bit?
I have a very strong Clydesdale Gelding who is almost 16 hands. He is only five years old.
He is responsive to the aids and is currently ridden in a Myler French Link snaffle with a flash and running martingale.
He is not a bad lad at all, BUT he is 'bolshy' and needs reminding who the leader is!!
Despite his breed and size, he is fast and not a novice ride.
He will stop when out hacking but I am unsure about his behaviour when out with the hunt.

I am going hunting with him (he has not been before) and I have been advised to ride him in a Liverpool Driving bit.
Does anyone else do this please?
Or would you just stay with the flash and martingale?
Or, would you put the whole lot on ( stopping tackle and brakes) :p


Well-Known Member
9 November 2009
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A friend of mine has got a 15 hands clyde x mare and she rides her out in a driving bit and out hunting or she would never manage to stop her. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
30 October 2009
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never personally ridden in a liverpool bit out hunting, but one of my owners did on her old cob who usually hunted in a pelham but at the start of a season was a touch stronger until she settled again into it, she left flash on and a standing martingale too- seemed to work well
although im considering putting a military reversible on mine, who currently has no brakes in anything so far :/
why not try a pelham ? as going from a french link to a livepool could be quite a step up, although there are loads of rein options on the liverpools, so it can range in action from a straight bar snaffle like, to a much more severe one when on the bottom rings give it a go , good luck


Well-Known Member
4 September 2009
Heading for Bus Pass.
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Cannot see any problem whatsoever if you have brakes and yourself and the horse are happy.
Nothing worse than having a war all day and neither of you enjoying yourselves.
If the LDB does not work, try a Sam Marsh Pelham or a Double Bridle with a long-shanked curb bit.
Having ridden hard pullers where I might just as well have put a Mars Bar in their mouths on certain days, I know it is not a lot of fun being carted. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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You can always put two reins on - one higher up and one lower down. If you do, I recommend that you cable tie them together so that they are easier to pick up if you drop them or throw them away.

Incidentally I can't see much difference between a Liverpool and a "bubble bit" (Dutch/Belgian gag) and dozens of people hunt in them.

My own preference is pelham with two reins, so you also have a curb to back you up if needs be. But definitely a martingale - it won't come into use unless you need it, but if you need it and it's not there you may have a disaster on your hands - I speak from experience!!


22 November 2009
New Forest
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My friend hunts her forester in a liverpool driving bit, he will not have any bit with a link and a kimblewick or pelham does not do the job! he drives aswell in one though so is used to it! :)