Hunting Alone...

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Well-Known Member
22 September 2008
Nottinghamshire, UK
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Do you?

Basically we had planned there would be 4 of us going out tomorrow, that went down to 3 over xmas, one dropped out on Sat, and its now me that is the only definite, with the other to decide on the day.

I was already nervous and this is adding to my list of what ifs..

So do you hunt alone and if so what extra precautions do you take?


Well-Known Member
26 January 2007
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I hunt alone, don't take any extra precautions tbh but you could wear a medical armband if you were worried. You will join up with someone when you get there anyway and the field moves about so much anyway that even if you went with others you'd get split up quite alot anyway so don't worry just go for it!


Well-Known Member
25 March 2007
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The first time I went draghunting I just turned up to the meet alone. In fairness, I hacked there and knew the area, so I was confident that if I/pony couldn't cope I could just hack home. We actually had a fantastic time and were well and truly hooked.

When I arrived I actually knew some people at the meet, as it turned out, but everyone was very friendly in any case.

On a positive note, the advantage of going solo is that people are more likely to speak to you than if you are with a gang of mates.


Well-Known Member
9 September 2005
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I always used to hunt alone, i knew people in the hunt and could tag along, but mostly i was on my own. Never had a problem and my dad (mostly) followed on foot


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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I hunt on my own, but it's not a problem if you take some sensible precautions...

park close to a few other people who are hunting too... (that way some one will notice if you have problems or don;t return to your vehicle)
make sure your family or a couple of friends know where you will be parking and where the hunt are meeting and that they have the secretary's number.
Make sure you take a spare head collar and lead rope (just in case your original one breaks!)
invest in one of the key safe things that means you don't risk leaving your vehicle un locked, or loosing your keys.
lock you rugs etc in the vehicle and don't leave them on the ramp (best case they get damp, worst case they get stolen).

But go out, have fun and enjoy it all.


9 November 2008
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I often hunt alone and have found that if you do get into trouble people are incredibly helpful - they really can't do enough.

Thinking about it, I managed to break a leg when I was hunting on my own and my horse was whisked away and returned to my livery yard, an ambulance called and the news broken to my wife (it was Valentine's day and we hadn't planned to spend the evening in hospital). I, and all my fellow hunters, would do the same for anyone in a similar position.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2001
Woking, Surrey
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i draghunt alone. first time i went was end of nov last year and going alone was definitely adding to my nerves but it was fine once i got there and people were friendly and helpful. wasn't afraid of going alone after that. people are really friendly. i take my car key in my pocket in my jods. my parents know where i'm going and what time i should be home and normally the hunt keep a check on everyone and make sure they all get back safely. everyone's very helpful and i'm sure if anything did happen people would help out to make sure horse got home safely - i know i would be happy to help if anything happened to anyone else.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I hunt alone most of the time.

I always make sure i have my phone with me, fully charged with all useful numbers ie vets etc.

I have an old nappy pin and pin my keys inside my jacket pocket to make sure i don't lose them, a nappy pin is better than a safety pin as it wont stao you! I tell lots of people i'm going and make sure i have a few people with trailers who i know would be available to pick my horse up should i not be able to drive home!

Most people are very kind to fallers, those in trouble etc and i have nver really felt as if i'm really on my own!


Well-Known Member
22 September 2008
Nottinghamshire, UK
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Thanks all for giving me the confidence to go it alone.

I made it, friends hacked over with me, then left me to it.

No major disasters, although she played up quite a lot, she spooked and dropped a shoulder to slip me off at one point, but no damage done and I hopped straight back on. I'm used to this by now and should have been more prepared!

Jumped most of the smaller logs etc and managed not to inure anyone/anything else. We stayed out of the way at the back.

Our main problem was the amount of standing around and the slower paced bits, having only been out with the bloodhounds once before, this was a change, and one that didn't suit well, she was quite awful and I was a bit embarassed at times by her wheeling fidgeting and backing up etc.

I won't be giving up just yet, I think we need a few more hunts to try and settle her before I decide she/I can't manage.

It was nice though when someone called me brave for bringing her out!

Thanks again to all on here and anyone out that day as everyone was very friendly and sympathetic.


Well-Known Member
29 August 2007
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Im 22 - drive the lorry on my own and go hunting on my own - its fine.
I know out hunting should I fall badly there would be a nurse to look after me (one of our masters) and masses of hipflasks to keep me entertained.. Someone would look after my horse if really bad. For the horse I always have a "vitals" bucket in the box - water, sponge, purple spray, sudo, bandages, gamgee etc etc etc.. phoen charged and all numbers in etc x


Active Member
23 January 2009
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Yes go for it! I'd just let someone at the meet know you are on your own just in case. I moved to a new area and just going along to a meet meant I really got to know people rather than stayed in a little group, I've met some fab people and had many little sips from various hip flasks!!! Go an enjoy x


Well-Known Member
26 January 2007
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Dont let the fidgetting put you off, mine did that for the first few times but stands calmly now. They get used to it.

Glad you enjoyed yourself! Who did you go with BTW?