Is there much difference/what are the differences between a childs and a ladies? looking to buy and childs seem to be cheaper but not much different than ladies.
A childs will be shorter, lighter & thinner than a ladies. (Maybe not as robust?).
A Ladies is thinner & lighter than a gents.
I know a few gent's who hunt with a ladies whip as it is thinner & so less in the hand with the reins as well!
Good luck, I've got a ladies one and start the day with it but not long after we move off daft horse starts messing about and I end up giving it to someone, so I can deal with neddy, and I then have to collect later!
Oh ok!
My main problem is the hounds when cubbing, just worry about them getting under the mares feet! I suppose I could use a schooling whip but would feel like a wally.
Did wonder about it being a handful, as I already have double reins!
I hunt with double reins & a servants whip so thicker & longer thong! I can be seen knitting a few times a day!
The whip is more used for moving hounds over to one side of your horse. I.E. the side you drop the thong the hounds should pass on the other side of your horse. So if holding it down your right hounds 'should' pass on the left of you.
The best thing if worried about hounds round your horses fett is if possible turn your horse to face hounds.