Well-Known Member
Is it actually feasable? I've always wanted to hunt but neither me nor my mare jump. Our local hunt is the kimblewick and finally after liverying at a farm where parking is often arranged with a meet around the corner (we dont have transport) both me and the nag are fit enough to give it ago, but im a bit worried as its not so much as case of my nerves - a swift brandy will deal with them - in that she doesnt jump full stop.
Would i still be able to attend a meet? i know i need to speak to someone at the hunt (Master? secratary?) but i just thought i;d get you guys oppinions on how feasable it is to go out for the day without actually jumping anything?
Would i still be able to attend a meet? i know i need to speak to someone at the hunt (Master? secratary?) but i just thought i;d get you guys oppinions on how feasable it is to go out for the day without actually jumping anything?