Also on Facebook, someone asked when the Aberdeen hunt is and Gordon Mackay replied:
"Hi the abredeen hunt will take place in the next few weeks we have to get the go ahead from the land owner this we hope in next few days then will post date and venue we also have more options for the area we will run as many hunts as we ca...n for the Aberdeen area as this has the largest support for the hunt and only right the area gets the most dates . We have also broken our lorry so will replace it in the next few days and ready to go also clubs will have the chance to enter team chance and hunter chase events and also a Point a Point race day when we can find a venue for this. You are also welcome to join the hunt committee for the area as we do feel everyone should have a say in the hunt in the future".
Thank you all for replying. Had a look on the MFHA website and found it very useful, only found one Hunt (mentioned by Cloball) the Kincardinshire. The North of Scotland Drag Hunt seem to be keen to add more dates so they could be promising.
At the moment its just research, there is a chance I could have to move so this is my first port of call for checking out what the area is like horsey wise. Given where I would be moving from its got alot to live up to.