Hunting in Ireland


Well-Known Member
11 July 2008
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I hunted with the Bray about five years ago,staying at Devil's Glen and riding their horses.Went with OH and Dependant,who was 11 at the time.Couldn't understand why it was a half term saturday and mine was about the only junior out,until the end,when I was told it was one of their hardest days,and even their kids didn't go! I hadn't hunted in 22 years,or ridden XC fences in 13,and Father Christmas decided a week in Ireland would be fun - how kind! Had the most amazing week, only one fall (Bradbury's walls!), fantastic hospitality and never been so terrified in my life! It explains why the Irish horses are so sure footed. My mount was a flying armchair called Cody,who landed dead straight and then tipped me firmly back into the plate before carrying on. L rode a coloured cob called Bobby,who gave her the time of her life.The only thing that kept me going over those horrendous banks at times was the knowledge that I was at the back, she was at the front,and I needed to keep up,as I didn't know the country! Will get L to upload some piccies.Huge thanks to all in the Bray who made my 40th birthday week so amazing!