Hunting in/near Chelmsford- Essex.... are we ready?


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
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My boy has just turned 6, but a very mature 6 when it comes to schooling (to elementary) and hacking (even though he does have the odd silly moment like all youngsters).

Our jumping is okay, we do it about once a week in the menage (on grass in summer) doing grids or combinations upto about 2'9 - 3ft. we have done XC twice but not this season - not competition, just a few jumps at the local course, he was very bold & confident.

we have done many long distance ride which he is good on & only once have i lost control .... but he has started doing it more recently in our own fields (2 or 3 times in a month). he gets something in his mind just canters off & wont stop (he doesnt gallop off, just extends a bit). the stronger the bit - the worse it makes him (schooling in a french link snaffle - hacks in a ported kimblewick), i came off really badly last fri & my confidence went but coming back nicely but i cut all energy out of his feed to try to stop this as he did have a very high eneergy diet for the summer! (i did have back- saddle - teeth checked too but all fine)

I would LOVE to take him hunting, i know he is more than fit enough to go on a hunt (-or i believe he is!), this is something i always wanted to do.....

However, im so apprehensive about him bolting (obviosuly putting others in danger & myself) being embarrassed by this, and any obsticles that we may not be able to conquer!

Can anyone help me please?


Well-Known Member
18 July 2007
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I'm the Secretary of the Essex Farmers & Union- we hunt to the south of chelmsford, so quite near you.

You will probably find that he will steele more in a big group- most of them go into "herd" mode, so tend to conform a bit more! And as far as jumping goes, there is always someone finding their way round, and always a way round!

Just a suggestion, as he's only 6, why not leave hunting until next year? I only say that as most hunts have had or are about to have their Opening Meets. If both of you have never been before, then maybe you should aim to take hin autumn hunting next year? This is very laid back, aimed at getting young horses and hounds settled before the season proper. Maybe this winter go out and follow the hunt on foot, that way you will get to know people and see some of the jumps so it;s not all new when you ride next year.

HOpe this all makes sense! If you want to email me then you can find my addy on the MFHA website.



Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
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Hi Sarah,

thank you for your advice, this all makes perfect sense!

I thank your honesty in saying leave it for a year... i realise, what is the hurry!?

i am going to try some XC over the next year to get us confident (me more than him!)

i defiantley have a positive view of view of hunting now, rather than nerves or anxiety! i thoroughly look forward to enjoying it when our time comes!!

