Hunting in this weather??!


Well-Known Member
27 November 2006
Kent/Sussex/Surrey Borders
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I'm presuming no one else is going out on this ground - I can't get hold of the Coakhams to find out whether they've cancelled or not but I don't fancy jumping onto this!! The Old Surrey cancelled yesterday and we went out on foot instead so I'm guessing....??? Was just wondering whether I should dress up warm instead and go and watch if they are?? :confused: :confused:


Well-Known Member
27 November 2006
Kent/Sussex/Surrey Borders
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Just got hold of the kennels... they are still going ahead... I'd love to go out but I just don't want to risk my pony... our yards are so icy I can barely stand up and the fields are like concrete rubble... so doning woolly hat and scarf and will go and stand up on the hill and watch them instead :)

Was so looking forward to jumping the larkins hedges though... boo hoo :(


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
If the ground's as bad as you say then I can't believe they are going out at all TBH!
It's not the horses I would be worried about (that's up to individual owners to assess the situation) but the poor hounds. Rough, hard icy ground will make a real mess of their pads, probably making them very lame in the process and once they are sore it takes a long time to get them strong enough to go out again. I'm surprised they're willing to risk that just to keep the customers happy - which they won't be if later meets have to be cancelled due to sore hounds! We always say better a lost meet now than when the ground conditions improve and hounds would have gone like the wind, except they can't cos they're sore in kennels!


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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I was suprised that 3e went out yesterday as we have not defrosted sinse Wednesday. But the going turned out to be fine where we were hunting. Hooves went in quite a bit & no hounds lame at end of day! If its really hard but not like razors on top we either don't jump as the edges of the field where the jumps are, are the hardest & gateways with tractor rutts can be bad. Have had some of the best days on quads though.
Luckily our huntsman will not jepodise his hounds for anyone or any meet!