hunting someone elses horse


Well-Known Member
11 April 2009
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i've been offered to hunt out someone else horse. (dont know if hes been before)
now ive ridden him twice and he is an angel so far (including hacking out canterng with companion) now i know the hunting is COMPLETELY different.
he isnt the fittest but i wouldnt stay the whole day anyway.
i would be going with the owner aswell as she has another horse.
i also have no insurance for myself as bhs ran out and i dont think horse is insured.

do i or dont i? hunt is boxing day?
also i will be doing them a favour as the girl is too scared to ride it and they would like to sell it so i would be helping by getting it out and about so im guessing they should pay for the hunting fee not paying me, i am more then welcome to help

cookies in advanced

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
I think you're mad riding someone else's horse without personal accident insurance at least! The horse needs third party liability insurance too - what he kicks another horse and causes injury, or kicks a car, say?

Personally I wouldn't take someone else's horse out on Boxing Day unless I'd been hunting with it before then. Too many people out. Have you been before yourself?

RE who pays the cap. If I was paying someone to ride and/or compete my horse then I'd expect to pay for entry fees, or in this case the cap. In your situation, I think you should pay the cap yourself, or at least pay part of it.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2011
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Like above I think you're mad to go without insurance for both you and the horse, especially on Boxing Day when it's so busy. The likelihood of something happening is increased, I mean its one thing hacking without it but hunting big no no!
I would imagine that you should pay yourself unless they're feeling generous.
Unless you're v experienced hunting already then I wouldn't like to take a horse out on Boxing Day that I've barely ridden before let alone hunted. If they're looking for the horse to get experience hunting and become a good hunter then I don't think starting it off on Boxing Day is the best of ideas, you're better to start it off at a quieter date.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2009
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i think i may see if theyre willing to go somewhere quiet first so woods / beach. shame because i miss hunting but i need my own horse to be it tbh :(

Happy Hunter

Well-Known Member
24 April 2010
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I would say a nice (insert suitable weekday) January meet would be a much nicer 1st day!

Mind you - with these temeperatures going the way they are - 15Degrees on Boxing day is going to be a very poor senting day!


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7 September 2010
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It would depend on the size of your field on boxing day, if you follow a big pack ie: Quorn, Pytchley, Beaufort etc then id be very cautious.

Regarding the issue of hunting someone elses horse, I really cant see what the problem is.. You have not stolen the horse you have been given permision by the owner, so i dont see what the problem is, I follow Hounds on Point to pointers i train, there not insured and i dont own any of them, ive only got my Jockeys insurance i get with my license and that is only racing coverage.

Also Are all the people who commented insured themselves, as your less likely to kick a car out Hunting then just plain hacking about. The world has gone PC mad.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2011
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I'd do it :D As long as you feel you are capable enough to handle the horse in that situation.
I agree with others saying that maybe a quieter meet might be more appropriate and I have always had personal accident insurance.

I'd love to take my horse hunting but don't feel like I would be able to handle him, he is a prat out hacking never mind hunting!! :rolleyes: Feel free to take mine! Can't guarantee you would come back in one piece though!! Lol :D:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
28 February 2008
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I wouldn't take a horse hunting unless I had at least 3rd party insruance which you can get by joining the Countryside Alliance, you will find that a hunt will state/advise that all riders must have 3rd party public liability insurance.

You also have to consider that you are riding someone elses horse (which they won't hunt themselves) that has not hunted before on what will be a busy meet.