Hunting this Morning on Jasper


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Well I was asked if I wanted to hunt a friend's chestnut this morning, and obviously I jumped at the chance. Never actually ridden him before but I love the type of horse he is and was desperate to have a play.
Now Jasper is horse cross kangeroo, its like riding a pogo stick. When the other horses are walking/trotting he is doing one of those canters that goes same pace as walk but five feet in the air, and he messes about before his jumps. So waiting for the first fence I was wondering if he might just fly at it, turns out- this horse is just a big fibber. Cantered in lovely and had the most pleasant ride from him.
I met Duncan_n_Toby's horse, Duncan, and MY GOD can that horse jump!!!
We were faced with a very very big hedge, took a hell of alot or riding, the kind you cant go into half heartedly. Duncan seemed to trickle into the bottom of it and then do the most almighty jump to clear it, whereas I had to really squeeze!
Plenty of opportunity to see the hounds work, I love wednesdays for that, and the huntsman is doing such a great job with them, such a good day
Phew, sorry, pointless ut hey!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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Your so lucky to be able to do this, and to have friends who have horses you can ride to do it on.

me, jealous? NOOO !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
East Yorks
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Was just thinking about you Rosie! I heard about that hedge, Dunc is a machine! never had one so talented at jumping, he's never let me down once!
I have made the decision to sell him though, unfortuantely our pack hunts on quite flat level country with mainly dikes to jump. He is better suited to the hills and hedges/fences etc. He needs to keep his mind occupied else he 'pops' he's whipped in with the middleton last season and I think he'd make a fab hunt horse. was the photographer out today?


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Yes im waiting for the photos to come up. I shouted at him today, he was ready and waiting at all those piddley little fences, and when it came to that monster hedge he wasnt seen for dust! The lady on him was saying she was very tempted by him, I think he suprised her! Bless, the woman whose horse I was on is looking for another one, but I think Dunc is abit too "full of beans" for her, she is wary enough of the pogo stick!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
East Yorks
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Oh I hope there's a pic of Dunc. I asked Georgina to hunt him today and see what she thought. I wanted her to take him to her yard and sell him from there as I'm so attached to him I can't bear people coming and trying him from ours. He does settle a bit more as the season goes on, he needs to go out three times a week for a couple of weeks. My circumstanses have changed at home so unfortunately I cannot do that.
DO you know why the lady trying Andrew didn't want him? not seen YO to ask him how today went