Hunting views from a Newbie


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20 December 2006
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Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie to the hunting scene this season. I've grown-up with very anti hunting family but at 40 I've made my own mind to see it for myself. With the new law change I decided to join for the season.
The field master took a long time considering my application, the main point being that 'accidents do happen in the field' which you would expect with 20+ hounds.
Like I said I joined totally open minded and with no preconceptions.
I've been hunting most Saturday and some Tuesday's and found that this hunt totally disregards the new law. Feeling some what stupid being new and watching from the field a hare being blaintenly chased around a field by the hounds & huntsment. I was left in a position that I've signed up for 'legal hunting' but am actually participating in a banned sport.
We visited an ajoining hunt meet where the same practise happened again. So it seems that not much has changed with this new law.
It is a shame, I've read that hunting has now never been more popular with all the publicity. I feel I've not even scratched the surface of the politic's and history that's gone on with this hunt, but they are very stuck in their ways, I just can't see them evolving....I wonder if hunting like this they'll force it to die out?


Well-Known Member
22 June 2006
Sunny Devon
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From what I understand Hunting injured hares is still legal, maybe that's what they were doing. I spent last season with a beagle pack looking for a hare with an injured ear. I never got close enough to any of the hares the dogs were chasing to see if I'd found it or not. The only times we managed to catch one they'd eaten it before I go to have a look. Still it was great fun and perfectly legal.

I think that injured hare might be out there still so I'll be out with the pack again this season.

My local staghounds have started a research project which means they can hunt deer all they like, all totally legal.

It's not our fault if the law is an ass.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
2 December 2006
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Can I just ask tho, is it really FUN to chase a sick and injured animal to its death?
I love the idea of the ride, I bet thats great fun BUT to be chasing an animal thats already poorly must be absolutely petrifying for it. Then when it does get caught to be ripped from limb to limb. Is this really fun?
I do understand that foxes are a nuisance etc, I do understand that arguement, but it just seems so cruel to chase and terrify and slaughter an animal in this way.
I'm not knocking you hunters, really I'm not, I'm interested tho to know how you find this part of the hunt 'fun'.


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1 December 2003
under my umbrella
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I appreciate you standpoint but if you were looking for a 'guarantee' along the lines of "no animals were hurt or suffered during the making of this event...." Why didn't you go drag hunting, even so that's risky because your horse may injure itself. Had you not been out to see what it was all about and meet people before deciding to subscribe for the season?


New User
19 December 2006
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It's very difficult when you're in the field to see what is actually happening, you get very much mixed up in making sure you stay-on, don't cut anyone-up / upset anyone etc... It was only about a month ago I actually took in what was happening.
We were having a laugh & a joke, a little drunk, galloping about on our horses watching this beautiful hare run petrified for its life pursued by a pack of hounds and a dozen horses. I actually thought I don't agree with this & I can see why there was a 'ban' intruduced.

The characters & personalities of the 'die hards' on my hunt are not one to question the intricasies of the hunt or the kill, let alone the ethics. This is why I went along to make my own mind up.

I do have dogs and they hunt (rats, rabbits etc...) So I've always been 50/50 on the subject. After a great deal of thought, it's not the chase, or hounds killing the animal, it's the human intervention - the way it's been made into a great social day out at the misfortune of the hare /fox who gets in the way. Regardless whether it has a missing ear - I'm sure if you asked the Hare I'd rather be alive than dead.
Thanks for everyones response, it's been interesting to hear your opinions.


Well-Known Member
19 November 2006
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Hi Lynn

I am much like you - have not hunted before, I would really like to go. I 100% believe in the tradition, I think it is something that we should fight hard to never lose. But animals killing one another is not a thing that sits well with me.
I can cope with lions and zebra, wolves and hares etc, but there's something about the organised killing that unsettles me.
I am not terribly anti, Im not going to stop anyone doing what they want to do, but personally I dont like it. That said I havent been, so I cannot pass any judgement on what ACTUALLY goes on - and again I havent seen a sheep killed by a fox or chickens etc.

Its a difficult subject and one that will be debated over and over. The law is an ass and has sufficed only to anger most.


New User
20 December 2006
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Yes well spotted, I logged on last night and didn't realise my niece was still logged into her account, so the posting went under her ID.