Well-Known Member
Wowie what a day, i can hardly move today! It was a big turnout out of i think 55 so a busy one. Horse is a WB who SJ's and dressages and only started xc last summer so very little experience xc.
Got there just in time to quickly pull them out and mount. My mare is well behaved at shows but has never seen the hunt set up and we could only get the lorry parked right in the thick of it. I pulled my girl out with people everywhere the hounds running around her and she was so calm i couldnt believe it. I mounted and she still stayed calm and stood there in a long rein while chaos unfolded around her.
Just as we were setting off there was a terrible accident and a lad on a grey had his horse rear up really hard and he fell off the back and the horse then backflipped landing on him while he was face down on the floor. I felt sick and heard the noise and the poor lad was groaning it was awful ( i later found out from a friend who's husand organsied the hunt he got away with bad brusing and didnt break anything and was kept in hosp for observations thank god).
Off we went and Zalena didnt really get it. Im sure as she was plaited she was looking for the dressage arena and then the next thing she knows is at the back of a long line of horses and there a fence they were all going over. She looked and i felt her looking for a way out but there was only one way and that was over. She took off and i couldnt help it i just let out the biggest woooohooooo forgetting about the big crowd of people by the first fence who found this all very funny (as you will hear in the video)
Then we were well and truly off! She was very strong and i have no skin left on my rein fingers (yes i was wearing gloves) she didnt hardly walk just flung herself about leaping and yaking so hard on the rein even on the roads. She galloped and jumped eveything i asked her to but on the 3rd we dropped back a bit but a bit too much as they were out of sight then we caught up and a friend was having big problems with her pony taking off. We walked for a bit then the girl i with with went off for a gallop while i hung back to stay with the naughty pony. As the pony was trying to take off even in trot we lost the hunt and got to the village and didnt know where to go!!! we carried on down the main road with cars whizzing past and trotted but couldnt find them so stopped and asked a cyclist where nurstead house was. My mobile went flat so was left in the lorry and the other rider didnt have one so we were on our own! We followed his directions and were worried as the light was getting low but we found our way home in time before dark thank god.
Im so proud of my horse despite pulling yanking and constantly throwing herself about she hug back let the hunt go and escorted a delinquent pony back.
I will def go to another but will stay with my friend and the hunt next time lol.
I am crippled today and hardy move!. I went to check on my horse and turn out today expecting her legs to be filled and for her to be a little tuncked up after the excitement ( she is a very good weight but i know this often happens after ). Not a filled leg in sight and apart from being crusty still with dried sweat marks she looked great. She wasnt even stiff and flew off up the field doing her big trot. I on the other hand have been getting stared at all day when i get out of my office chair it takes me some time to stand up straight.
Wating to go off
Video of first fence...... i really couldnt help the whop
pic of first fence
end of a 2nd fast jumping line
then last jump on thr last line
and the link to the pro pics which are great!... i want to def buy the last one which other to you think?
Got there just in time to quickly pull them out and mount. My mare is well behaved at shows but has never seen the hunt set up and we could only get the lorry parked right in the thick of it. I pulled my girl out with people everywhere the hounds running around her and she was so calm i couldnt believe it. I mounted and she still stayed calm and stood there in a long rein while chaos unfolded around her.
Just as we were setting off there was a terrible accident and a lad on a grey had his horse rear up really hard and he fell off the back and the horse then backflipped landing on him while he was face down on the floor. I felt sick and heard the noise and the poor lad was groaning it was awful ( i later found out from a friend who's husand organsied the hunt he got away with bad brusing and didnt break anything and was kept in hosp for observations thank god).
Off we went and Zalena didnt really get it. Im sure as she was plaited she was looking for the dressage arena and then the next thing she knows is at the back of a long line of horses and there a fence they were all going over. She looked and i felt her looking for a way out but there was only one way and that was over. She took off and i couldnt help it i just let out the biggest woooohooooo forgetting about the big crowd of people by the first fence who found this all very funny (as you will hear in the video)
Then we were well and truly off! She was very strong and i have no skin left on my rein fingers (yes i was wearing gloves) she didnt hardly walk just flung herself about leaping and yaking so hard on the rein even on the roads. She galloped and jumped eveything i asked her to but on the 3rd we dropped back a bit but a bit too much as they were out of sight then we caught up and a friend was having big problems with her pony taking off. We walked for a bit then the girl i with with went off for a gallop while i hung back to stay with the naughty pony. As the pony was trying to take off even in trot we lost the hunt and got to the village and didnt know where to go!!! we carried on down the main road with cars whizzing past and trotted but couldnt find them so stopped and asked a cyclist where nurstead house was. My mobile went flat so was left in the lorry and the other rider didnt have one so we were on our own! We followed his directions and were worried as the light was getting low but we found our way home in time before dark thank god.
Im so proud of my horse despite pulling yanking and constantly throwing herself about she hug back let the hunt go and escorted a delinquent pony back.
I will def go to another but will stay with my friend and the hunt next time lol.
I am crippled today and hardy move!. I went to check on my horse and turn out today expecting her legs to be filled and for her to be a little tuncked up after the excitement ( she is a very good weight but i know this often happens after ). Not a filled leg in sight and apart from being crusty still with dried sweat marks she looked great. She wasnt even stiff and flew off up the field doing her big trot. I on the other hand have been getting stared at all day when i get out of my office chair it takes me some time to stand up straight.
Wating to go off
Video of first fence...... i really couldnt help the whop
pic of first fence
end of a 2nd fast jumping line
then last jump on thr last line
and the link to the pro pics which are great!... i want to def buy the last one which other to you think?