Hunting -where to start??


Well-Known Member
10 April 2010
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Looking for some hunting advice, providing I can get fitness levels of both horse and myself this summer I'm wanting to start hunting next season.

Anyone know how I can find my local hunt? I've googled but can't find anything. I'm in Doncaster in south Yorkshire? Was hoping to attend a few meets on foot beforehand.

Also any tips on getting started would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
13 July 2009
Visit site have a look at this for details of hunts. Best thing to do is speak to the Secretary to find out details of meets/costs etc. All the other info you need, including turnout,is on this forum! The only piece of advice I would add is to avoid the major meets (Boxing Day, New Year etc) for your first time out. Normally I would suggest autumn hunting first as a sensible introduction but you are obviously too late for this now. If you explain your situation to the Hunt Secretary they may well be able to arrange for someone to accompany and look after you first time out. Better still, see if there is someone you know and trust who could come out with you. Don't be afraid of getting in touch - they will be friendly and welcoming!


Well-Known Member
10 April 2010
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Thanks for the reply. Was thinking next autumn anyway, my horse has been out of work for a while so will need the summer to get him fit enough. Might sound a daft question but when you go out hunting do you HAVE to jump everything? im sure my lad wouldn't complain about anything as hes an ex chaser and P2P racer. But i'm a little worried :-S (I know that makes me sound like a wimp, lol)


Well-Known Member
10 April 2010
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just wanted to add, looked on the site you posted and it seems quite fitting that i hunt with grove and rufford hunt as the grove hunt was originally run by the foljambe family which were the original owners/builder of the house i live in. My house borders tpart of he Foljambe estate as my land and house were bought of the foljambe family by the people we bought it off.


Well-Known Member
10 April 2010
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that's some serious hunting history there FL!!

and no, you don't Have to jump - most hunts have a nonjumping group if you don't want to jump at all, and most fences/hedges/jumps have a way round them!

Would just like to point out that unfortunaty it's not osberton house I live in which indeed does belong to the foljambe estate, but instead it's a lowly cottage that I'm assuming was a workers cottage once upon a time :)


Well-Known Member
13 July 2009
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That's still a lovely connection!

If you can start with autumn hunting next season, then that would be ideal. Get in touch with the Secretary in good time as it will give you a chance to get to know a few people in advance of hunting. Otherwise, just enjoy it - you'll never look back :)