17 January 2012 #1 N NicolaC Well-Known Member Joined 4 July 2006 Messages 407 Visit site Has anyone hunted with the Quorn and Pytchely in the past 4 years can you please get in touch as I am looking to see if anyone recognises my mare. xx
Has anyone hunted with the Quorn and Pytchely in the past 4 years can you please get in touch as I am looking to see if anyone recognises my mare. xx
17 January 2012 #2 N NeilM Well-Known Member Joined 15 January 2008 Messages 2,706 Location Nth Somerset Visit site Sorry, ignore my other post
17 January 2012 #3 C CrazyMare Well-Known Member Joined 23 December 2005 Messages 12,420 Visit site Yes but only a few times a season
17 January 2012 #4 S spotty_pony ... Joined 29 July 2005 Messages 12,552 Visit site I've been out cubbing with Quorn and I know quite a few people who hunt with the Quorn. Have you got any photos?
I've been out cubbing with Quorn and I know quite a few people who hunt with the Quorn. Have you got any photos?
17 January 2012 #5 N NicolaC Well-Known Member Joined 4 July 2006 Messages 407 Visit site This is her,
17 January 2012 #6 G gunnergundog Well-Known Member Joined 27 August 2010 Messages 3,420 Visit site I hunt with the Pytchley; don't recognise her though. If you want to PM me some more info would be happy to do some asking around. For instance, I rarely (ever) do their Monday country, so she could totally pass me by.
I hunt with the Pytchley; don't recognise her though. If you want to PM me some more info would be happy to do some asking around. For instance, I rarely (ever) do their Monday country, so she could totally pass me by.