Hunts, Wiltshire/Oxfordshire area


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
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So, after wanting to get my horse out competing over this summer...have now realised this just isn't going to happen as I'm just manic busy up untill September time now and the last time I rode him was once 4 weeks ago and then hadn't ridden him for about 3 weeks before that either.

So at the moment. He is a rather fat field ornament on a unlimited extending holiday lol...

Which throws any plans I had to compete him this summer out the window, with it being the time it is already now. I had him fully fit and in work all over winter, show jumping him over the cold months and then did start going out and about XC etc on him in Spring. But then since then, nada!

So I've decided I think, to give him a season hunting. I did plan on taking him once or twice last season on a ticket but certain situations ended up in me having to cancel instead so never got to go on him. It's something I've always wanted to do with him since I've got him and he's got the temperament for it, so am thinking...why not let him have the rest of the summer of and just do a subscription hunting over winter on him instead. I'll be free from the end of August, so can start coming back into work, and he takes no time at all to get fit.

I'm Swindon area in Wiltshire, so just wondered what the best local hunt is in that area? I will have transport, but equally don't want to travel ages for meets - but, without sounding immature, do want good days out lol! Anything up to 45 minutes really.

Cookies or wine for anyone :D


Well-Known Member
3 March 2009
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If you are the eastern side of Swindon, then your most local hunt is the VWH - they cover a huge country - down to the M4 and up to almost Gloucester (at least the top of the escarpment above Gloucester).

There is also the Beaufort, but probably not a pack you'd pick for your first season :p

The Old Berks are very friendly but you might find them a bit far for your purposes

As are the South and West Wilts

I hope you have fun although once you've started, you might find you get hooked...


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
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Cheers! I'll check them all out! A lot of people have said Old Berks now :)

I'm near J15 of the M4. I used to go with the Beaufort for the last 2 seasons when I worked nearer that way up until last year :) Just a little bit too far away for me now though, as the nearest ones to me are Thursday country which I didn't like too much. Loved the Saturday meets though!
I moved about December time so stopped right in the middle of the season, never got round to going after due to all the snow and stuff, then had loads of breakers in to do come the new had serious withdrawels going on lol!!!

Is the Vine and Craven near? I few people I know go with them, but I'm not sure where they are or much about them. Anyone here hunt with them?

kirsty 1

Well-Known Member
10 September 2010
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I keep my horse in bourton and love to go hunting like allot of the other people you have the old berks ,the vine and craven and i drag with the berks and bucks they have the meet dates on ther website as there a drag hunt but if you go on the others website you can get a form to send of to get a meet card for the season .Might see you there.