I am looking for an epitaph for a huntsmans headstone , I read a really good one some time ago in a hound magazine but cant find it. can you help thanks
Oh...have you read Wild Lone? Theres a great bit in there, my OH wants it on his, will go see if I can find it...(any excuse not to type the letters I'm meant to be doing!)...
"Then, when you've laid me safe down there,
Give three view-holloas will shake the air,
And you'll know, if I do not lift my head,
There is no mistake-Tom Moody's dead!"
thank you for your help i will be carving a stone for our huntsmans grave and i wanted to put something fitting for the best best huntsman ever.
"When you go to heaven as all good huntsmen do,
There ll be a pack of foxhounds waiting there for you,
St Peter will be kind enough to pause upon his rounds,
And listen for a moment to the music of the hounds"