I absolutely love.....


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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my horse! I don't want to speak too soon here, but she was brilliant today. Those who may have read my posts may know that she is a napping and rearing horse. She was like this when I first got her. She used to be a hunting horse. ID X TB chestnut mare. anyway, I've had to wrok right from scratch - she's 12 and quite stuck in her ways. I did lots and lots of ground work with her including lunging etc regularly and committedly everyday in the sweating sun and pouring rain. There were days when I thought it was all in vain when she would just do it again. She used to rear and spin round even in company, now she will happily lead a hack trying it on only occasionally. Every time it became too much for her I pulled her in behind and scratched her withers to let her know I was there for her. I stopped fighting her as it was pointless, and I would nearly always lose. Instead I tried reverse psychology, I would get her to race alongside another horse until she wanted to be in front, when she panicked I pulled her behind and scratched her withers again and patted her to say well done. Two weeks ago she cantered in front levaing the other horses out of sight, she jumped at everything like a loony, but I just kept her forward scratching her withers the whole time I was riding her. Now five months since I bought her today I hacked her out alone - the first time properly since getting her. She jumped and tried to spin round when she realised it was just me and her but I jept talking to her telling her how wonderful she was and kept my leg on her - I took a schooling whip too, and just tickled her with it to keep her going forwards. Now we came across some scary things to her - first was going through the forest path. I reminded myself to keep calm so hummed a little tune to myself to relax us both. twigs snapped, deer and pheasant legged out. She tensed up and I could feel she was going to try it so I pushed her into trot, praising her and scratching her withers. We got to the end of that path into the open and she let out a big sigh of relief and I made such a fuss of her. We met a scary dog, an orange flapping fence, flags, and some strange people in fancy dress, brightly coloured caravans, bollards and wheely bins and she hated the lot but we got through it without a single rear. Several little naps and fear but no rears. I just wanted to thank everyone on here for their advice and help. There were times when people said to me I had overhorsed myself and to give up, and I knew I had to get stronger and more confident, but I have been patient, and we really are getting there. Its far from perfect , but from a horse that wouldn't hack alone or in company 5 months ago (with anyone) - I must have done something right.

Sorry for the long post am just soo pleased with her


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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Well done - pour yourself a glass of wine (and the horse) I did when took my youngster round the block on a scary eve on my own.... It is hard but worth it..


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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wow - all I can saw is 'fair play to you' - that's an amazing achievement (coming from someone who gave up and sold on...)

well done - bloody big bottle of vino for you I think!