I am absolutely bl**dy fuming!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
CCJ is busy clipping a horse (she last did one two days ago) and on going to get the twitch from where she left it it's gone..
She has hunted high and low but is totally convinced she left it on the window ledge and someone has taken it.

Now our yard is a private one but we have had a few people visiting lately looking at a horse a livery is selling, so possibly one of them might have sneaked off with it. Or someone has called when we have been in the fields checking the horses and lifted it, but I am so angry.
There were plenty of times people have been left on the yard on their own but as 99% of folk aren't thieves we assumed our stuff would be ok.
Probably one of the worst things in my book is stealing. As a shopkeeper's daughter I saw my Dad suffer from scumbags of thieves from an early age, and I have no time for them whatsoever.
If I catch them I will have no hesitation in calling the Police, and if my OH catches them I fear for their safety, after years of being burgled at our factory he has a short fuse and has been known to whack a man with a shovel when he found him in his office, so they won't know what hits them!
This isn't the first thing that's gone missing, but it should be the last if it's an opportunist thief,
My husband bought a CCTV system a few years back but we have never bothered installing it, luckily we can install it inside a bedroom to overlook the entire yard and this week it will start operating with a direct link to the tv as well as the recording system. It has several cameras so we can also install one in the tackroom. It also has a useful bee bop alarm which sounds if someone enters the tackroom, alerting you to an intruder. It may get annoying as it will constantly go off but at least we will know someone is about. Of course the tackroom is normally locked but not if we are around the yard...
C has gone off to borrow a friend's twitch, and I am about to start a mammoth marking session with the special pen and tags my son was given at Uni, they mark stuff but it only shows up under ultra violet light apparently.
I just hope the horse will behave having a break in the clipping process, often it sets them off much worse if you stop..


Well-Known Member
3 April 2003
South East
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Not surprised you are fuming. However, are you absolutely sure the twitch hasn't just been misplaced?

I only ask as a couple of months ago we though we had had a couple of bikes stolen - they had been lent up against the barn and not locked away because they were pretty knackered, so were of no value. Whilst we weren't worried about losing the bikes, we were concerned that someone had been onto our property.

We told our daughter what had happened and she was very concerned too and made sure things were locked away. About a week later I had to go into the horsebox for some reason and found the bikes shut in the back! Turns out daughter and her friend were playing a game and had put the bikes in there - and then had totally forgotten that they had done so
. Very glad we didn't report the 'theft' to the police!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
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Bl**dy people! I bet someone coming to see the liveries horse stole it because they needed one.
Thinking on the bright side at least it was only a twitch but they may have scouted the place and may come back for other stuff.
Better to be safe. Thoses marker pens are fab, all of my stuff is marked with them.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Well we have both had a look round but the tackroom currently looks like a bomb has hit it, so it may yet turn up, it's just CCJ is positive where she left it as it was only used two days ago.
We will have a good look round tomorrow I think to be sure. Plus this isn't the only thing to have gone missing, although our TR is pretty chaotic until it gets blitzed, the things that have been stolen are specific such as mane trimmers etc.
The CCTV will hopefully sort any further thefts, and the place is rarely empty as cottages overlook the stableyard and any strangers are usually noticed.
I hope I'm wrong and it turns up somewhere over the next few days...


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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bloody hell sue...i hope you catch the scumbags.......

things get left all over the place here and i can guarentee that *hum* brambles had it....

but i promise she hasnt been anywhere near you....


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Lets hope it turns up.

Our tack is in a locked cage. One morning I put one of my boy's feed skips outside the cage as I couldn't be bothered to open up again. I came back in the evening & it was gone. I searched everywhere for it, no sign. I put a note on the board & the next day it returned....in a place I had previously searched. No one knew anything about it...but obviously someone did! I don't mind anyone borrowing something as long as it is put back...but this really annoyed me.