I have come to the conclusion that I am officially the only full time polo player on HHO!! Unless someone would like to join my clan? Oh well, I shall spread polo-ness (well, at least my polo-ness) wherever I go!!!!!!
Nice to have someone that plays full time! I am just starting out playing at the grand old age of 24 despite growing up in the most polo mad town in the country. Its such a fab sport - maybe you can inspire other HHOers to take it up.
I can't be the driving rep..... maybe comericial driving rep..... oh no little donkey.... ummm.... Baby percheron comercial driving rep! lmao, doesn't have the same effect when its so specific! I'm not even the riding club president soon....
hahaha, you are welcome to UK Polo but I claim reporting on the costa del sol lot, its so much fun going and just people watching, never mind the spectacular polo, I have never played but we are moving nearer to a polo ground soon and i just might be tempted, anyway have fun!!
lol we could start our own lil discipline councils on here! lol
I think theres about half a dozen of us who drive reguarly..... hmmm I think we cover all bases too, HDT, heavies, donkeys, pleasure, comercial.... I don't think anyone shows in harness thought. I *think* I'm one of the few who consistantly drives coachman style, Mark asked me to drive two handed when doing cones/marathon and it totally threw me!
But couldnt be classed as showing people, that is so the other side.
[/ QUOTE ]
*claps* Well done! Was it pip? I thought he was too wiggly? Well you have showing experience then, you are officially showing rep of the driving council! lmao
I quite like the idea of showing driving, I like the tradition I'd never have the money for a show vehical so I'd be exersize classes with my 3 phase HDT vehical which I can reasonably one day hope to afford!
Pairs as otherwise my hands feel to wide. And what is really really wrong is Ginga, 2 handed really couldn't get him round or bending, did a one handed circle he did it perfectly, tried coachman and he is so much better. Wrong or what!
I'll have pip if you want rid! lol Glad ginga is going so well, and there's a reason coachman has been used for so long! It works! lol Plus it's far easier to smack your groom in the face with your whip when they're talking crap!
oooooo must admit all your ponies do have quality about them, wouldn't surprise me if you got a ticket. Even Ajay is a very nice example of a shettie!
Actually, nothing threatened with sale at the moment.
Ajay would look so cute in a Gig or somthing, and The section B's need a Gig too, and Ginga a Norfolk cart. Oh and a pony coach! Ajay was very good in his day showing when I didnt fall off, alittle past it now
You should come play ponies one day your about this way.
Lmao Ezme and Rara the fastest hijackers in HHO! lol
Yay, pip and live in my garden, he's a good doer right? lol
I could spend a fortune on carraiges.... My goal is to find a Harewood from the 70's in good nick as my grandfather designed a lot of them! There's this racing green with yellow highlight pony phaeton in the carriage collection, in show condition, crying out for a pair of chesnut shetties put to it! When I win the lottery I'm going to give some to the stables on the condition they give me that vehical! (it isn't of any significance, just v pretty) Oh I'll also need a Dalmation!
As for getting up your way I have £580 left of my overdraft left with £604 of rent left to pay.... without even living.... yeah... won't be happening for a while!
Our new Fenix waggonette is rather lovely but I wish Mark put the steps where the old ones were, 8 years of the old carriage has given me muscle memory and I can't get on and off the new one too quickly! lol We have one of his early marathons too which is a great old campaigner but nothing like this new stuff, it's pretty heavy, solid artilary wheels but it does single/pairs/teams etc so v usful and it's survived a few accidents over the years! Including one memorable incident where a pupil managed to overturn it, going uphill with the 3/4 shire!
Luckilly everyone was thrown clear (in the 70yr old pupil! eek!) but coachwoman was pretty bashed for a long time.
Anyway think yourslef lucky, our marathon doesn't even have steps! Have to scramble on in the most undignified manner! Or climb on the backstep and shimmy round!
(Scroogie on a lesson)
I do think it's a great little thing though, and normally very stable!