i am so tired


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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just had to get up i was in so much pain with my leg bad syatica i have taken tablets and eased abit but dont think i will get back to sleep now . and i have decided ti tell yo i cant work for her any more at least while i am like this i have tried to carry on for 10 weeks now with help from my girls but they are back at school and after two days on my own i am much worse so going to have to pack my job in which i love , also going to have to move two of my neddys to afriends yard where it is cheaper to keep them cant afford where i am if not working will just leave my mare there as she wont take to the new place , yo not going to be very pleased as i was taking over for two weeks at end of month while they are away but i just cant do it can only walk about 50rds and i have to sit down bloodt hell why me why now moan moan but thanks for looking


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29 December 2004
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just read this back and god what a lot of spelling mistakes must be the early hour , been back to bed cant sleep , bath and then off to yard i think maybe catch some zzz later


Well-Known Member
23 March 2003
East Anglia
Having suffered with sciatica from buttock to foot for eight months solid with no let up, I can sympathise completely with you.
It really is the worst pain imaginable and reduced me to tears on many an occassion.
Have the docs found the cause of yours? Mine was a slipped disc that didn't respond to chiros etc. at all and eventually I had an op to remove the bit of disc that was pressing on the nerve. It was like switching off a light switch in that the pain had just disappeared completely and immediately.
I am now back working and competing, some say better than ever before.

Have you had an MRI scan?
Obviously everyones problem is individual, but if they havn't got to the root cause of the problem make a lot of fuss until they do.........it's your life on hold!


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8 August 2005
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I had back trouble for years, shooting pain down my leg etc. I've had chiro treatment etc which did ease it a little and after years of pain it gradually eased off. I started using a Tens machine. Initially I was sceptical but I thought i'd give it a go. I really think it helped. Now, although I am pretty stiff, I don't get much pain but when I feel a twinge I put the machine on again & it really helps.
I can't promise anything but it may be worth you trying it. Cheapest Tens machines at the moment are in Lloyds Chemist (£9.99 reduced from £39.99) Good Luck


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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thanks for feed back i did have a slipped disc some years ago but apart from stiff achey back i have beeen ok really , consultant thinks this has been set off by me limping for 18 months due to achilles tendonistus and hopes when that clears up wil put syatica right . i am waiting for mri and scan on ancle and physio treatment so u are right my life on hold right now, my tens machine does offer relief from back pain but not this i am afraid. taking hi doses of tramadol was on morephine but didnt work either , god i am feeling so low at the mo


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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Poor you. I too can sympathise with you as I have suffered with lower back and hip pain with sciatica. I have tried many different approaches but nothing seemed to work until I went to a sports massage physio who was my husbands football teams physio. He found that because my back had been so painful and I had compensated by walking unlevel and tensing my body, my periformis muscles in my butt were solid!
He used lots of pressure to break it all down and it hurt like mad, and the next 2 days I was reminded every time I ran or sat awkward. I went again the following week and it was a lot better. I then only had the odd twinges, whereas before, it used to `go` and knock me off my feet, and then I be p*ss*d off because I couldn`t ride for over a week. It would start in my lower back and then within a couple of days it would be in my hips and I just couldn`t walk, sit, get up or down, let alone ride,
So I decided to go to a physio that did everything,so to speak, and he told me that I was a typical case. Now this is what I needed to hear, as everyone I had been to had told me that I was a rare case!

He told me that my core muscles were very weak and weren`t supporting my back muscles, and he gave me some exercises to do for the week and made an appointment for the following week. The next week, he gave me different exercises and the following week, different still. In all, it took 3 weeks before he said that I didn`t need any more visits. I started these exercises at the beginning of Feburary this year, and I do them most nights before bed, and the only time that I get small aches and twinges is the week around the wrong time of the month.
I now can compete x-c or show jumping and I feel brilliant the next day and every day after that, whereas before, I would need the next day to re-cooperate.
I hope that you get some comfort with your problem, but remember that gentle movement and gentle walking around does it a lot better than to sit around even though it is painful.
Since I have had my periformis muscle problem sorted, I haven`t had any problems (TOUCH WOOD
) with the sciatic nerve as this muscle sits very close to this nerve.


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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Sorry, after reading back my post, it seems quite self indulgent, but it is meant to help you just in case exercises can help your problem.
I have been told that many of these problems are caused by muscles. I hope that you feel a little better. I found that when quite bad, although I don`t like taking medicines and tablets, I took Nurofen as these have an anti inflammatory.
At least you have the internet to see you through as a coule of years ago, we`d have been stuck in bed or on the settee with just the TV and not even sky.

I hope that you are better soon.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2004
Wow, les that sounds exactly what I expereinced so you have saved me a lot of typing, haha. Best thing ever was to improve my core muscles, get a regular massage and see a physio now and again. One of the main causes is not working on the core muscles after childbirth. because of the pregnancy posture and the stretching of these muscles they do weaken causing a host of problems.
best of luck calon in finding the 'cure' for your pain, I can fully empathise with you.
best regards


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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thanks so much for the tips i have seen a physio who has done the buttock muscle thing and i now have no pain there i am going again tomorrow but the pain in my thigh and calf and foot is unbearable after standing or walking for just a couple of minutes he gave me excercises but i feel i am worse . last night was the first time its been relly bad when laid down as until then i could lay down and it would ease loads . so at least i was sleeping , just hope it dosent do it tonight . i think you could be right about the muscles after childbirth that would fit with me as i have had five kids ,good job though cause i need them now i am so feeble ha ha


Well-Known Member
13 November 2004
five kids, wow, I congratulate you in still being able to persue your love of horses and fit in the family. You will feel tightness and tension in muscles whilst going through the physio, as releasing one muscle will make another work harder, if that makes sense, your body will also go through a release of toxins and improve your circulation, but with all the exercises your body will adapt and start working properly in the end, I swear. Feeling down will also have an effect on the body, so hopefully with a bit of rest and some pampering you will be like a spring chicken and more motivated to start again soon.
best of luck


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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hope your right sure you are the physio is saying the same thing , yeh i have been lucky to be able to continue with the horses all the kids had ponies at one time the two girls are still very keen but the lads gave up but one has become a blacksmith so 3 out of 5 are still into horses must be in the blood