I can't believe I didn't know


Well-Known Member
29 November 2012
mancunian in Cheshire, actually now in Wales!
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Someone my friend knows has just had to have their cat put to sleep as they used dog flea treatment on it! I've never done this but didn't realise how poisonous some ingredients can be to cats! I use frontline which I don't think has it in. Also advocate from the vet. I always get the cat and dog ones at the same time. They've never given me any warning so I presume that one doesnt have it in either. Is it well know and I've missed the warnings? They're obviously devastated


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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Its not uncommon sadly :(

Permethin the active ingredient and its one of the older flea treatments available and one of the few thats effective but available without prescription.The drug is not waterproof and it needs very high dosages in order to work so thankfully is not popular.....especially as even in dogs the dosages can causes reactions. Its way to high of a dose rate for cats in any form of flea product on the market
It is not used in the most common big brand names sold under prescription bar Advantix and every practice i know who stocks Advantix stresses the importance of not exposing cats to it.

Advocate has different ingredients and it comes in a cat safe dose :) Frontline is also safe :)

Advantix does state very clearly on the packaging that it is for dogs only though.....but its really not obvious enough if you are not told in advance and this happens way to often :(


Well-Known Member
3 October 2012
Behind you
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That's sad. I always prefer to under treat the actual cat and concentrate on the house. We tend to treat the carpets first and restrict access to bedrooms (apart from Sunday morning cuddles)