I can't decide what to do...........!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2006
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Hi everyone, I've got a bit of a dilemma at the moment and was hoping you guys could help me, offer any advice or experience to help me decide!

1/ I can either take my LGV test and buy a horsebox and stay at my current livery yard. This is the 'safe' option and means that i can get out and about with my horse, not too bothered about competing but would love to have the opportunity to go to fun rides, box to off road hacking etc, which i dont have the opportunity to do at the moment. It also means that at livery i always have help if im ill, go on holiday etc, and company from the other liveries who i get along well with.

or 2/ Buy a field nearer to my home (i live currently 8 miles away from livery yard, field is 4 miles away) which has planning permission for stables, and tack/feed room and plenty of grazing. This means i get to buy a second horse
and have the freedom to do as i please on my own yard which i'd love, have better hacking, close enough to hack to local farm ride in summer and spend more time with the horses. However, i have a few reservations about doing this, mainly that i will be on my own and so won;t have help from anybody else if i cant get down for any reason, i also wont have transport (cant afford to do both) which generally isn't a problem but i worry about if the horse ever needed to go to the vets for any reason. Also although it's closer to me at the moment, i might move closer to town in the next 3/4 years and then the field will be further away and the livery stables closer!
This option is obviously more of a risk, and hard work but it has always been my dream to have my own place and it is a lovely private field. There are other horses kept in the area so it may be possible to get to know some of those owners. I'd rather be putting my money towards something that will hopefully gain value but at the same time i dont want it to become a hindrance instead of an asset if it proves to be the wrong decision. There is enough land available to have liveries/ potential business for the future/ get local farmer to cut hay every year.

Any help appreciated, as i really can't make up my mind!
What yould you do?


Well-Known Member
20 June 2006
The Best Shire
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I'd definitely go for the 2nd choice, theres no choice IMO. However, if yu went with the first why do you need to take a test? its quite easy to get a horsebox that you can drive on your car licence.

Wheres abouts are you?


Well-Known Member
8 May 2005
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If you'll only have 1 or 2 horses how about a 4x4 & trailer. A lorry is expensive to run if you are only using it occasionally.
If you like hacking where is the best hacking. My yard has zero facilities other than a concrete yard, but the hacking here is brilliant so I would be loathe to move.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2005
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Definitely the second option......wish I was in your shoes!!!. Should you move you can then sell it, put your horse back in livery and hopefully have a nice bit of profit to play with!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2006
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Well if i went for the transport option, i would certainly look into a 3.5T horsebox or a trailer in more detail as well as a bigger horsebox, its just that i'm really struggling to make a decision between transport or my own place to begin with!?!?!?

I think it's the thought of struggling on my own without help whats worrying me most of all, and leaving my friends behind (none of them would join me, too far away for them) but on the other hand i think it would be worth it for the opportunity. I'm so indecisive, but its a lot of money and a big change so i want to be sure!