Why is it alway members of the hunting Fraternity being charged with drink drive offences?
Is it because now that hunting is on the decline and illegal, they are having to drown their sorrows? Breaking one law means they want to break them all?!
Crying into their Scrumpy at night, I can see it now! Save me a Pint of Exmoor Gold for my next State Visit.
Its true, you hear a lot more about hunt suporters being charged - but antis are doing it too of course( more or less everyone who has driven a car has broken the limit at some point!).
Difference is , no hunt suporters have enough time on their hands to write about them.
For the record if I am driving I won't have anything stronger than diet coke. It isn't worth it, I've seen the damage that drink drivers can do to the people who are lucky to survive at first hand.
The majority of the Fitzwilliam take a similar approach when I've been out with them.
Yet another sweeping statement from the anti-hunting fraternity with no evidence to back it up.
It's not exactly an arduous task. The thread has the word AUSTRALIA in it - which kind of narrows it down somewhat.
You tried valiantly to reply - within your own capabilities of course - (and let's not forget they are severely limited) - but ultimately failed........I mean you found the thread, and should be congratulated for that achievement no matter how small it appears to others, but failed to answer in an adequate manner.
Next time try using both hands.
I'm almost tempted to predict your reply - but it's cruel to mock the afflicted!