I did it and survived - kissing spines is not the end.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2005
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Finally got to ride my horse for the first time since she broke my ribs 3 months ago. She was diagnosed with Kissing Spines at the age of only five at Easter and since then has only done long reining / pessoa /pole work for ten weeks - followed by having an absolute fit when the vet said "see what happens when you ride her" thinking that her case was minor and didn't need op, followed by op to remove the offending spinal process, six weeks box rest with walking for five minutes building up to 30 minutes in that time (most traumatic time of all), then another six weeks of ground work to build her back up yet again.

Been restarted over the last two weeks by local specialist with "problem" horses after all clear on scans and xrays and been very worried about hacking her again after such a violent outburst (to say she wanted me dead is an understatement!). So having not ridden regularly since February and last proper ride ending up in Casualty I bit the bullet and did it on Thursday. 20 minutes hacking across fields including trotting without issues then another 20 minutes on school finally feeling the canter I thought this horse just didn't have. So much more responsive, powerful and relaxed. Amazing ride from any five year only - what about one who had an operation on her back just 14 weeks ago. And she's loving every minute of it! I've been lucky in that her case was minor and she only had one offending process (caused by overwork whilst growth plates still forming - not by me I hassen to add - but someone who thinks that jumping 4 year old warmbloods over 4'3" spreads is acceptable). Hopefully my confidence will come flooding back but if not I know this talented horse is now 100% happy and healthy and has an incredibly bright future in front of her.

Some of you will remember this - have been quiet on the forum since as was not sure what the outcome would be. Sorry if this bores some but just wanted to update those who had been so supportive but also those who said "shoot it" or "give it away". Things are very different nowadays and it is treatable in so many cases. I'm just glad I've given her the chance to lead a life in comfort - the change in her attitude alround has shocked everyone who knows her - when so many would have sold her on at the first sign of trouble and she'd have lived her life in pain and labelled as a problem horse.

She's not even put a foot wrong in the two weeks she's been at the "problem" horse yard. All being well when I ride her this week she's coming home on Wednesday and she'll be ready to compete by the New Year. Yeah!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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That is fantastic news
I do hope that all your troubles are behind you for good


Well-Known Member
15 October 2004
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I knew you would be fine, well done and i am sooo pleased for you. Do not be upset or alarmed if you get a few minor set backs, thats horses for you but alls well that ends well. My horse is doing real great now after his spinal processes were removed a year ago next month. You ll be out competing in no time xx


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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Well done for not giving up, it must have been a really tough time. Make sure you give an update on the competitions!!


Well-Known Member
17 January 2006
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Fantastic news - just found your post, am so so glad you stuck with it, make sure you take it slowly but surely with her, she may have the odd confidence issue but if Ryan is anything to go by you'll have a few blips and backward steps but loads of forward ones. I am so pleased you are going to get to enjoy your horse after such a long journey to get her right - One up for the sympathetic understanding owner over the flog 'em brigade! Best of luck to you, I hope she continues to go from strength to strength, you both certainly deserve it!