I don't know whether I could hunt??


Well-Known Member
13 May 2011
Forest Row, East Sussex
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I am a novice/ intermediate rider. I am 13 and was not brought up with a horsey background so sadly my first time in the sadddle was age 7 :( but after devotionally continuing my favourite thing in the world after a loan pony, I bought Merlin about 2 months ago. He is A 6 year old 14.1hh spotted Irish Cob gelding.:D He is still quite green and I do a lot with him though. We went to a show and got 6 rozzies and he is a dream in the school. But I can only hack alone at my yard and I lost confidence after he ditched me and galloped off and I found him after 1/2 an hour of stumbling around calling till i was hoarse!! Now, he knows when my nerves kick in and will point blank refuse to budge until i give up and he rushes home, me half halting desperately and sitting deep, soothing him. I feel so stupid because we are the perfect pairing on a showjumping course but i cant seem to hack out. :eek:

So I couldn't hunt could i???


Well-Known Member
15 October 2007
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You may be able to hunt :) never say never! I would say go with someone more experienced for the first few times and see how your horse behaves. You may find that because he is company with lots of horses he behaves very well and copies what they do.

Try autumn hunting first because it's quieter. You could also try a couple of sponsored rides to see what he's like in company. The more practice he gets, the better he may be. Good luck


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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most horses will take to hunting, and often get over their demons about hacking alone by getting some confidence out hunting.

I recommend you get in touch with your local hunt - now's a great time to do it - so they can let you know about pleasure rides (go round in a group or on your own), hunt rides (like a mass hack), autumn hunting and anything else they put on, or they may let you go on hound exercise when they start taking horses out with the hounds.

This way you can introduce you and Merlin to going out with other horses, and you get to see how he'll react to having fun with other horses around!

As A1fie says, never say never. As he's only green still there's plenty of time to get out and try things, take your time and only go do more as you both get confidence!

hunting mad

Well-Known Member
19 May 2010
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Dont ever say never!
Hunting may sweeten up your pony and will make him more forward thinking,and also may well build up both your confidence.
It maybe just what you both need.


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8 November 2009
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Ah, your post reminds me of me! I got my first pony, a 4 year old 14.1 irish bog pony, when I was 13. I was desperate to hunt, but didn't know anyone else who did, and the only time I managed to get myself together to go to a pony club meet I came down to the yard in the morning to find him covered in weird lumps and we couldn't go. I cried all morning I think!

I agree with Jen that to take him hunting might help to sweeten him for hacking on his own. Horses often behave totally differently out hunting to how they are at home. You will have to be quite brave though I think, if you don't know anyone else who can come with you, and just go for it by yourself! You need to call the secretary of the local hunt to ask whether you can go, and then be prepared for any eventuality! Don't be put off if people don't seem friendly, or even if you get lost or fall off! None of it is the end of the world and once you get over the first few times it starts to become less stressful and a lot of fun. Ask lots of questions, and then you will learn what is going on.

You've only had him 2 months. Keep working on everything, a little bit each day, and trying everything and I bet in a couple of years you will be doing everything you want to do.


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2 April 2009
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It's definately a good time to get out doing things, our local hunt (drag) has lots of fun rides and events organised for the summer so give your's a ring or ask an adult to ring on your behalf and explain your situation. It was my first season drag hunting last winter and I was terrified (I'm 42 btw!!!) but you couldn't have met a nicer bunch of people and they supported me, helped me, pursuaded me and encouraged me!! I'm now totally hooked and can't wait for next season!! Be warned though my horse has changed, and yes he's absolutely more confident hacking but he's also much more excitable, gets stupid on fun rides (thinks he's hunting!!:rolleyes:) and shakes if he so much as hears more than one dog baying!!!:rolleyes:

I'd get yourself out doing more with your new boy, do try and find other people to hack with sometimes so you can learn to relax more and enjoy the ride other than just hang on and hope. Try to get your parents involved if you can, the hunt always need foot help and I'm sure once your parents get involved they'll learn to love it too!!! I've helped out a couple of times when my lad wasn't up for hunting (well more like when I wimped out!!) and it's great fun!

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
18 July 2007
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You sound like me too! I had a grey 13.2hh that was an ex riding school pony. She wouldn't jump a stick, and had two speeds - backwards or gallop. I hated hacking out, wouldn't go on sponsored rides but my RI took us to a Children's meet and I was totally hooked. I still got run away with, I spent most of my time lost/finding my way round stuff/being a pain but I loved it and so did my pony.

That was 16 seasons ago, I've been Secretary of our pack for 8 years. I didn't ride until I was 7 or 8 either, and neither of my parents are horsey.

Go for it - as others have said, now is the time to contact your local pack, there will be activities ove rthe summer that you can join in with/help at so you get to know people without the pressure of having your horse there to, try to go cubbing (Autumn hunting) as early as possible - we mainly walk for the first few times out, so it's ideal for a baby pony.

Hunting will give you a lot of confidence, there is always a way round if you don't like the look of something and believe me, your pony will go forward!

I've got this far through writing this and I can't remember if you've said where you are - there may be someone on here who hunts with your local pack?

Good luck and have fun! Don't be afriad to ask questions either, everyone was new once.