I feel so dam guilty poor horse


Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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Have had a few problems with my m2m saddle slipping to the left for a long time. BUT saddler disagreed and said it wasn't. (master saddler) So I presumed it was either my duff posture or Beacon throwing me that way. BUT now I find after I clipped him a few white hairs growing AND on closer inspection a 'dip' to the left side of his withers which is not there on the other side Luckily he is not sore on manipulation.

Because I always put the saddle on from the left I had not noticed the dip was not the same the otherside. Let face it when you groom they are never standing perfectly square and it is in just that position that a turn of the neck would change the way it looks SO I MISSED IT

No wonder the poor guy is not consistant with his jumping and insists on cantering on the wrong leg on the left rein!!

I am so upset and feel so dam guilty for once again listening to someone else when I should have listened to ME!!! When will I ever learn

I have phoned saddler to come again, but goodness knows if he will listen, last time he said it was because the girth was not tight enough but I am now suspecting that the tree is cracked or twisted from his fall 2 years ago, despite saddler checking it at least 4 times since then (have it done every 6 months)

So will also get the phsyio out before doing anymore jumping or hard work

Also with history for bucking people over his head I am lucky to be alive


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Don't beat yourselve up. You have notice now and are getting it sorted. Any other saddlers in your area?? You have paid for professional advise and it looks like you have been let down.


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Is it maybe worth the extra expense of getting one of the adjustable saddles - is it the Sue Carson ones where you can build up one side more than the other to compensate and change it as the horses shape changes? Or is that just the Flair system that does it?

If your saddler can't see it, TBH I'd not trust him again and try to find another.

Well done for finally spotting it though, at least you have persevered and found the problem instead of shrugging your shoulders and thinking "saddler knows best" and ignoring it.

J x


Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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don't worry things like that can easily be missed, I'd try and get a different saddler. Trouble is very few reputable ones these days