I have to say a big thankyou - Westgate EFI are a star company!!!!


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Have had a bit of a saga re: travel boots. I coveted a set of Mark Todd travel boots and nagged and nagged and got some for Christmas (I'd have been told off for buying more stuff when I already had travel boots see, so I conned sister into getting them for me!!!)

So I got some fab navy Mark Todd boots and they are so nice and smart and everything however there is a BIG BUT.

The fit isn't good on Asti for some reason. Everyone I know with full size or pony size love them, but they would not fit, so I opted for cob, Asti being 15hh I thought they'd be fine.

But they weren't and rubbed her legs. Gutted just does not describe it. I swear I liked the boots so much I thought of swapping horses! Anyway, I won't name the user, but someone on here answered a post about the boots as they work for Westgate EFI who have just merged woth the company that make the Mark Todd products.

They have done a bit of investigating and found the cob size are fitted differently but still have never had any complaints. There customer care is top notch though. They have taken my comments on board expecially if they decide to redesign at any point. They have sent a set of Olympian boots as they are a different fit (and just as good quality - I'm over the moon with them)

AND I can keep the originals and they are sending me a pressie to make up for my disappointment!

How fab are they?

So a huuuuuge thank you to the person who helped ( and you know who you are) but I think the company is fab and you should all buy Mark Todd products and anything else Westgate make!!!

It is so nice to find a company that go out of their way to help.



Well-Known Member
2 December 2005
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Good for you hun!
I know that any time I've dealt with Westgate at work they have been great!

If only every company would be like them!