I just cant help it


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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I am what you would call a worry wart i worry about my horse when someone elseis doing him. I am not going to able to do my horse tonight as it is works do(watching mama mia excited(sad)) i have asked my YO to do him i know he will be fine she is putting him in the field for an hour then do my jobs etc etc but i worry and will prob not sleep until i go and see him in the morning tommorrow. Now i think maybe it is because he is not mine on loan for 1 1/2 yrs at the mo and i have always been like it. I dont want him to get hurt i think the most. I just like to know that he tucked up in his PJs and all warm and not hungry. Please help me as i will go mad doing this all the time i know YO is very capable.



Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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I am pretty sure he will be fine and that YO will call if she has any worries. Try not to worry and have fun at mama mia


Well-Known Member
27 September 2006
I'm like you... My horse is on full livery with an international rider and i STILL cant not go up everyday (sometimes twice a day), to check on him. Even when he's having a day off, I have to go and give him a thorough checking over to make sure he's alright.

I panic myself silly when he's out in the field in the morning and the weather is foul because I worry he'll hurt himself.

The grooms are fantastic and the YO is fabulous... YO lives on site with her parents and even her mum has a life time of knowledge with them... YO is currently dating (and he basically lives with her) a vet but I STILL worry about my horse!

I cant give you any advice really... although on the odd occasion that I really havent been able to go and see him or when there has been an issue (he cut his leg quite badly in the summer), the YO has happily sent me a text message once he's in and ok or after she's checked on him etc. I guess its a minor inconvenience for her but I think she'd prefer the liveries who care than the ones who never bother to go up.

Could you perhaps not give her a call once you know he'll be in, just so she can reassure you that he's ok? I think trusting other people with your horses' is a good skill to acquire because sometimes you HAVE to - but it doesnt make it any easier and I sympathise with how you feel!


Well-Known Member
9 July 2006
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You're not alone

I am going on holiday to Oz after Christmas, and a friend is looking after my horse for me - I am paying her as she works part time and has taken a few liveries on as well (our yard is DIY only)

I do trust her completely (or i wouldn't have asked her) but I am going to worry like crazy

I don't think it'll ever stop - i think it would be worrying if you didn't worry (if that makes sense)


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
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That is my main worry when going on full livery on Sunday, I still plan to go up at least once every day even when I'm not riding.

If I had all the time in the world I'd stay on DIY because of feeling how you feel!