I like it being me me me... self indulgent - sorry!


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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I have to start by saying how much I love my ginger pony, bless, she's such a sweetie. Having spent a year being a VCSP (Very Civilised Show Pony) of excessive shinyness, she's now back to being a field kept scruff with a sticky up mane, fluffy coat and an inch of mohican bridle patch!

We've been having fun whizzing round the stubble field and did a pleasure ride a couple of weeks ago. Now we are in training for my first endurance ride (albeit a training ride) and I've sent off my form to join the riding club. No more lending to brats, it going to be me me me!

So I went out last night on my own. Rather breezy, managed to extricate her from the field without the other two heathens escaping, and off we went on an excursion. Bounced up the stubble field (well it'd be rude not to!) and tootled off down the road. Sadly Asti now informs me that drains bite when its windy so we were going to have to look at them all funny!

Waved at everyone, is it only me that actually says thank you out loud like a nutter when they can't actually hear? I must look like a total fruit cake yattering away to myself!

Anyhoo, got off the road and headed up a bridleway through a farm. They were ploughing one of the back fields so there were no gates to open, which was a bonus. Had a lovely canter along the field border and then was confronted with a large JCB parked halfway across the next gate... interesting! But the good old ginger one picked her way past it. THEN, spied the bucket off said JCB across the path leaving a 2 foot gap to squeeze past or end up on the ploughed field, but we negotiated that.

Was merrily going along the next bit when the tractor doing the bit after ploughing - kind of smoothing everything down with a massive contraption on the back, came past again a matter of a few feet away. The spacehopper didn't turn a hair!

We were just heading our way back down to the track when I noticed just how much of a spring she had in her step, and just how far forward her ears were pricked, and had a lovely moment thinking about how lucky I am to have such a fantastic horse, and how much fun we're having pottering round the countryside. I'm quite humbled that I own such a lovely horse that pretty much does everythng ever asked of her.

Of course she DID have to try to spoil it 10 mins later when she tried to bolt towards the main road because a tree stump was suddenly terrifying, little minx...! But good humour was restored once we'd crossed the road and had nearly half a mile of stubble field to canter nicely down towards home...

Roll on a 32k endurance ride now! And the winter dressage... then putting her in foal next spring. I think I'm going to enjoy my horse being for me again!

Apologies for boring the pants off everyone!


Well-Known Member
26 May 2006
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I thought that was only me! sometimes you have those days when hacking out is the best thing ever and everything seems perfect! i always shout thank-you to drivers and chatter away to my horse as im riding! well-i used to dont have a horse at the moment, you have made me miss it even more now!


Well-Known Member
25 March 2003
East Anglia
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Wow what a nice post sounds like she enjoys having you back just as much as you enjoy having her bacl. Hope you both have lots of fun together over this winter.

H's mum

Well-Known Member
27 November 2003
Do you know that's really cheered me up reading that... THAT is what horse ownership is about!

Sounds like you were both having fun!
Kate x


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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She really meant it with the tree stump, which is not like her. She hates that track but we can only ride along the road or up this track to get out so not much choice and I'd already been along the road.

Looks like a tree had fallen and they've been chopping it up, so we had a kind f sideways prance towards an old deathtrap water trough then she just seemed to go "EEEEK" and launched herself then legged it flat out with the road about 100 feet away...

Good job she has good brakes and I have good glue!

I let her off cause she did genuinely scare herself, daft bat that she is! How a tree can be more scary than a huge JCB or a tractor with huge red ploughy thingies is beyond me!


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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Nawwww that was so lovely to read!! She really is a stunning little space hopper - she does you proud, a credit to you that she is so versatile!! Am looking forward to her baby as much as you are! I'm looking forward to getting B back- as in just B, no pushy Hector in the way! Just some time with me and my girlie!


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Just need to arrange a few stallion visits, for yours and mine. Looking forward to seeing the bay arab, they sound like a nice small operation and he looks very sweet. Plus I know Judals Arabians have a very good reputation for breeding some very classy animals... (Though this is one they sold as a colt)

I think an Asti x arab baby would be adorable! (Getting very broody now!)


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Well I have 2 exceptions to my "me me me" selfishness. My sister is obviously allowed to play at spacehoppers, though she's bringing her mare back into work now her leg has healed.

Also I have a friend who helped us with all the showing for the evil-ungrateful-child-brat and she can ride too and I think she might still want to share the dressage with me, but again thats fine.

Just no more running round after someone elses kid and nearly bankrupting myself!

But yes, it is really nice to get back to basics and remember how nice horse owning is, without the stress and bitchiness of showing!

We went to our county show on Saturday, took the whippets for a jaunt- its the first time in about 5 years that we haven't taken the ginger one. Was nice but very strange not having the horse there!


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
where ever my horses are
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That was so lovely to read, i am so jealous, as my horses are all out of action at the moment, so can wait to get back to doing exactly as you just wrote including going along the road like a mad woman chatting away to my horse and shouting thanks to the drivers that clearly cant hear me.
Oh the joy of just going on a pleasurable hack