New User
Hi everyone,
I have a loan horse who I've been loaning since September last year. Unfortunately I can never catch him it takes me at least 40mins to catch him. My gran is also showing signs of alzhiemer so this was gonna be my last year of loaning horses till I would need to give up to becoming a carer but she is getting worse. I feel bad as the lady is pregnant and is due next month. How can I let her down easy family has to come first. Thank you
I have a loan horse who I've been loaning since September last year. Unfortunately I can never catch him it takes me at least 40mins to catch him. My gran is also showing signs of alzhiemer so this was gonna be my last year of loaning horses till I would need to give up to becoming a carer but she is getting worse. I feel bad as the lady is pregnant and is due next month. How can I let her down easy family has to come first. Thank you