I need to leave but feel bad


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27 October 2021
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Hi everyone,

I have a loan horse who I've been loaning since September last year. Unfortunately I can never catch him it takes me at least 40mins to catch him. My gran is also showing signs of alzhiemer so this was gonna be my last year of loaning horses till I would need to give up to becoming a carer but she is getting worse. I feel bad as the lady is pregnant and is due next month. How can I let her down easy family has to come first. Thank you


19 May 2021
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Next time you see her, "Hello [name], whilst I love loaning [horse] unfortunately, my gran's alzheimers has progressed faster than I was anticipating and it unfortunately means I am going to have to become her carer. This will leave me very little time for horses anymore so I'm going to have to give notice on the loan. I just wont have time anymore, especially as s/he can sometimes take a good while to catch. Obviously with your pregnancy this leaves you in a bit of a bind so if you want help advertising for another loanee I am happy to help." (obviously that last bit is dependent on whether or not you actually are happy/able to help!)

Don't beat yourself up about it - life happens, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
4 October 2018
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Just be upfront and honest. Do it all in accordance with your contract and buy her some flowers or whatever as a thank you. But do tell her straight away so she can make other arrangements if she needs to before the baby comes. Don't put it off just because you are feel bad. Get it over with.