Well-Known Member
My 7.5 year old cob has recently decided that when he comes out of the field and down to the yard he will NOT stand still. This obviously makes it very difficult to groom/tack up etc. Today we went out for a hack and when I brought him back he stood long enough for me to get his tack off then just reared and bucked, reared and bucked and swung from side to side. He wants to go back to the field as soon as he thinks he is done for the day! He did not used to be like this (I've had him 19 months) so I'm finding it frustrating. I tend to ignore the behaviour and reward him for standing still and he does not get to go back to the field while he is prancing about. Is this just an age/stage thing he is going through? Is there anything more I can do to train him out of it? Thanks in advance