I want to buy my loan pony


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
Back Where My Heart Is :)
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Quick history:

I got Ellie on permanent loan in December. A couple of months later her owner contacted me and told me about a pony she knew about which was for sale. She knew his old owner (three years previously) and had always like him. She didn't want him sold and passed from pillar to post so asked me if I would loan him if she bought him. I agreed.

So, fast forward three months and I have my perfect pony. Full of character (ie, stubborn as a mule!) just the right size for me and a great ride - and I want to keep him forever.

Now it might happen that his owner never wants him herself - she basically wanted him to keep him close and safe, but then again she may ask for him back at any time. He is my horse of a lifetime and I don't want to let him go.

This evening I emailed her asking if I can buy him from her. I hope she doesn't think I am taking the p*ss and seriously thinks about letting me buy him.

Please send the famous HHO vibes this way and keep everything crossed for me