Ian Huntley bribed to prevent suicide...


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27 July 2006
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IAN Huntley is being "bribed with perks" to stop him making another suicide bid.

The Soham killer has been given a new cell with a TV, stereo and tea and coffee-making facilities.

He also has access to a PlayStation and DVD player. And Huntley, 33, has been told he can keep his perks while he "toes the line" and does not try to take his own life.

Prisoner number JG5778 was moved to another cell after his second suicide bid last September at high-security Wakefield Prison, West Yorks.

An insider at the jail said: "It is to try to stop another suicide attempt but he has been told he will be moved if he steps out of line."

But one member of the Prison Officers' Association at Wakefield fumed: "It's obscene when you consider what he's done."

Huntley was jailed for life in 2003 for murdering 10-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman at his home in Soham, Cambs, in August 2002.

Read this is The Mirror this morning. This b*stard is living his pathetic excuse of a life in luxury! Makes me so angry.


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19 April 2004
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I think I may have inadvertantly slipped into a parallel universe - one where murdering two little girls and dumping their bodies in a shallow grave, whilst at the same time lying convincingly to the police, is to be rewarded.


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30 September 2005
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I think they should give him the 'perk' of a long piece of a rope and something to hang it from personally


Well-Known Member
4 November 2005
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1-How on earth is a playstation going to stop someone who is genuinely suicidal from killing themselves?!

2- I'm with Rambo


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25 March 2007
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My dad is a proson officer - thankfully not the prison where Huntley is - but has dealt with similar situations - my dad is ex army RSM and doesn't take cr*p - he has been in trouble so many times for ignoring suicide threats. He has been slashed with a blade and a snapped toothbrush (of all things!) and was close to being sacked for punching the inmate in question - He works on the A wing - which is the murderers etc (Jill Dando's 'murderer' is at the prison my dad works in) so I don't see why they deserve to be molly-coddled!
I have so much more to say on this - it makes my blood boil this and some of the things my dad tells me, but I'll stop now before I bore you all!


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5 December 2005
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IMHO, this is nothing less than other prisoners get. If they behave themselves, keep their heads down and don't try and top themselves they get "enhanced" as opposed to "basic" (for those who don't behave). Which includes lots of priveledges. It's a sceme there to encourage prisoners to tow the line, can you imagine not giving them a reason to behave? can you imagine 300 dangerous men having a riot??
. Of course, the rule applies to all prisoners, they can't single people out for what crime they've comitted.

Ian Huntley will still get lots less than other enhanced prisoners. He won't be able to go out on exercise unless accompanied by a PO. He won't get Association as he'd get murdered.

At the end of the day I an Huntley will now have to live the rest of his life remembering what he's done. he'll live every day in fear. Surely no less than the man deserves? If he comitted suicide or got killed by another prisoner he'd be out of his misery. Where's the justice in that? When the girl's parents will have this misery for the rest of THEIR lives.

Anyone who thinks that prison is just 'cosy' needs to try and get a tour of a real prison. Quite often prisons allow joe public to stay the night for charity. Trust me, it's nothing like Bad Girls lol. (and no, I havent been in prison!!, I have worked with probation and the prison service though).
Ian Huntely will live in fear of what may happen to him should another prisoner get the chance. And one day one of them will get the chance.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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i did think that part of me wanted him to just kill himself, whilst the other part of me did think that he should rot in prison. However if its true about him being given all those perks just to stay alive then i really think they should just give him a rope and let him do it.........or as someone else said, let other prisoners at him


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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My dad is a proson officer - thankfully not the prison where Huntley is - but has dealt with similar situations - my dad is ex army RSM and doesn't take cr*p - he has been in trouble so many times for ignoring suicide threats. He has been slashed with a blade and a snapped toothbrush (of all things!) and was close to being sacked for punching the inmate in question - He works on the A wing - which is the murderers etc (Jill Dando's 'murderer' is at the prison my dad works in) so I don't see why they deserve to be molly-coddled!
I have so much more to say on this - it makes my blood boil this and some of the things my dad tells me, but I'll stop now before I bore you all!

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If a dangerous prisoner attacks you, it still does not give you the right to assault him back. probably the prisoner deserved it, but it's life. In a male priosn, you WILL get conflict daily. 100's of men shut in, tostesterone flying about, egos..... I have been the victim of a male prisoner who thought just because I was female that I was 'up for it' and turned nasty when I told him where to go.
Sadly, many prisoners become victims of PO's who think they're Gods, who bully and victimise. And it's the honest PO's like your father who suffer the repurcussions.
IMO if the prison service watched what went on inside more closely half of this wouldnt happen. How can male rape happen so often in such an enclosed space in this day and age?
Prison is a nasty nasty place. And people have to understand that.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2007
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Sorry - I'm not going to say my father did the wrong thing punching a prisoner who tried to kill him!! If the prisoner didn't like being cooped up - he shouldn't have committed his crime!
These aren't petty criminals we're talking about here - they're serial murderes, paedophiles etc - do these people deserve human rights.
I agree - prison is a nasty place - but frankly - I'm not sure it's nasty enough!

I understand this is my opinion - I'm not trying to start an arguement! Honest.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2007
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Yes, but a lot of the people in prison are nasty nasty people!

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Defintely - Prison wouldn't be nasty if it wasn't for the scumbags in there. If the prisoners don't like it - then don't commit crimes!

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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Number 1, it is reported in the Mirror...well it must be completely true then....not

the fact is, without incentives to behave and be productive in whatever environment people are kept in, they will quickly revert to behaviour that would be quite impossible to manage..the strong ones will prosper, the weak ones will suffer ...or die. whether those incentives are shorter sentences or perks doesn't matter.

Human rights requires us to take proper care of prisoners, it is nothing to do with being soft, it is to do with being civilised


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5 November 2003
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Should be left to rot, why should he have all that after what he did, did I read somewhere that one of the prisoners tried to have a go at him, if that is correct then he should of been left to get on with it............ bring back hanging, although that would be too easy and quick for Ian Huntley.....


Well-Known Member
16 January 2002
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Someone like Ian Huntley lost all his Human Rights the moment he decided to end the lives of two innocent children. Lets remember that is what they were, he then lied to numerous people to try and get away with it, never has he had the decency to allow those parents to know what the last hours of there daughters lives were like, only to sit and wonder, i can't imagine what that must be like for them. He shouldn't be given any privilleges, i really do not know what is happening to this country it shocks and disgusts me!

I agree with Rambo, in fact let the hardened criminals at him and see what happens to him then!


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19 April 2004
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Surely there is enough incentive in him being kept away from other prisoners? As he is never going to be rehabilitated and released, I think his sentence should not be spent in relative luxury. I am not suggesting we go back to the privations of Dveil's Island or Alcatraz, but there has to be some middle ground between this and the Hilton!


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25 March 2005
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put him in a dark room with a loaded gun and a dripping tap and shut the bloody door

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I would shoot the tap!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Sorry - I'm not going to say my father did the wrong thing punching a prisoner who tried to kill him!! If the prisoner didn't like being cooped up - he shouldn't have committed his crime!
These aren't petty criminals we're talking about here - they're serial murderes, paedophiles etc - do these people deserve human rights.
I agree - prison is a nasty place - but frankly - I'm not sure it's nasty enough!

I understand this is my opinion - I'm not trying to start an arguement! Honest.

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Quite obviously I didnt realise that upon trying to slash your father with a blade he was trying to kill him.
In retrospect, yes, your father has every right to defend himself, if a punch stops him being killed, then fair enough.

Inmates who have comitted more serious crimes do get treated with kid gloves. Simply because they bleat on and on saying they will kill themselves. Under the 'care' of the Prison service it's then the Home office's responsibility if they commit suicide. So often these inmates get nicities. But as I said before, no amount of games consoles can make up for the fact that they cannot associate with other prisoners. If they spend years and years cooped up with no tv, nothing, they will eventually lose their minds, which in the long run will cost the taxpayer more.
A lady who worked at the prison came from Bolivia, and there, paedophiles etc are put in a cell just big enough for a single matress to fit in. There are no windows, and the door is welded shut, with a flap big enough to serve food and water through. There, the prisoner does not see another human being or the light of day until his sentence is up. But there we are talking undeveloped countries, and I would hope to think that we are more advanced than that. We know that doing that would serve no good. You might aswell hang someone than do that to them. But then hanging would mean no justice. Where is the justice ina prisoner escaping the memory of what they did?

No, let them live in daily fear and regret. Let them face up to what they have done. In the prison world there is nothing lower than a paedophile or a child killer. One day, someone will get hold of Ian Huntley and he has to live with knowing that.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2007
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We can only hope that he does get his cumuppance - it's a shame there is no real way of enforcing the eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth theory!
Huntley is the perfect candidate.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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We can only hope that he does get his cumuppance - it's a shame there is no real way of enforcing the eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth theory!
Huntley is the perfect candidate.

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yes, I agree with you. in an ideal world, but this world, and goverment is less than ideal I'm afraid.