Ickle tiny rant!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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Ok so you all know i'm selling my horse and that he failed the vetting. He's now sound and I'm still (3 weeks later) getting loads of calls. Everyone and I mean each caller has said would love to come and see him on said day at said time i'll call you back for directions. Do they ever.....no of course not. Then had a lovely lady come see him just wants a more exciting hack to hack out with her 2 girls loved him in the school and saw him at his worst, jumping in a snaffle with no martingale!!!!! So she decides she would like to have a 2 week trial. On talking to you guys wasn't too happy but went over to her farm and had a look round. Nice enough place, had 3 other ponies all well looked after so agreed on her haking him out with me then a 1/2 week trial with half payment up front. Was supposed to come for hack on thurs but when half hour late I called her, she had a sick cow and was waiting for vet. Erm how long does it take to make a phone call. So we rearrange (me not very enthusiastucaly) for monday. Couple of hours later she calls to say she has changed her mind as her 6 year old daughter is nervous of him!!! WTF she sat on him and rode him round the school when they tried him out. She also thinks he may bolt / be too much to handle when hacking with daughters. He is not and I explained all this too her he is forward going but you can pull him up and if you needed to get off he'd just stand there. I now feel like I have talked her into coming back on monay (if she turns up!!) trouble is i know they will love him and that their type of home will be ideal for him. Have told her thopugh that if people call over weekend i'm not putting them off just incase she lets me down again. So I now have to readvertise him and it cost me £20 in fuel to go and see her farm and me stupidly did not get a deposit. Grrrrrr why can't people be honest from the start, I am actually probably too honest. Ok ok rant over and probably an incy bit bigger than I thought. There seem to be loads of buying and selling rants going on at the mo. May be all us buyers and sellers should get together we could all probably swap neds and end up with what we want. Ha Ha Ha


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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How very disappointing for you, not to mention frustrating!

He sounds lovely tbh - a really nice 'forward going' hack/fun horse! Hope you find the ideal person for him very soon!


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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Oh I can totally sympathise with you there.The amount of times we get calls to the yard with people arranging to come and look at horses and then not turn up.We recently had a couple of older ladies come to see a horse.They came twice,rode him out and loved him.Said they wanted him and arranged collection for a couple of days later.They left no deposit but because the horse has been with us to sell for over a year and they were lovely people we agreed a cheap price and threw in some tack which they took there and then.They then rang back the day they were supposed to come and collect him and said they had changed their minds because he was cold backed and they felt there was a problem.The vet has checked this horse over and the physio has also looked him over and no problem could be found whatsoever.They were told that he was cold backed and we demonstrated what happens if you overgirth him and also how to tack him up slowly and he is fine. They were ok with this and we did say to them they were welcome to speak to our vet and to have a vetting from any vet if they wished.These ladies seemed so genuine and actually cried with happiness that they had found the so called horse they were looking for so we were all really pleased that this horse was going to be going to a home where he would be well loved and cared for as he is so miserable being stuck in a field with no person to specifically love.When they phoned to say they didn't want him they said they would return the tack but they never did.It is just so gutting to us all especially where this horse is concerned as he is just so lovely yet noone seems to want him.


Active Member
10 June 2006
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oh spike that is so dreadful, stealing your tack and leaving you like that :-(

hopefully these bad buyers encounter some of the bad sellers out there to teach them a lesson ;-) it seems that a fair share of both sellers and buyers are not at all honest and straight forward :-(


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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You should`ve kept to your guns about getting your tack back. They stole it, and they probably go around doing that on purpose. Depending on how long ago it was, I would get in touch and ask them about it as it is classed as stealing and you will inform the police. People like this may seem genuine, they have to if they are to get away with this scam. Phone them.
Also, Halfpass, don`t feel disheartened, your horse will find a nice home. Buying and selling horses is horrible, well, selling is, buying is quite nice really. Chin up.


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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The horse in question belongs to my YO but I know that he has been trying to get hold of these buyers and is considering going to the police.This was only 3 weeks ago so quite recent.