Ideas please, sudden lameness whilst hacking up an incline


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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Went riding at Christmas the hack was a bit more adventurous than I had realised for me and my fairly unfit horse did a couple of short gallops as we have before but one wad up asteepish hill. Whilst coming back I noticed he was limping a little on his front leg rested overnight with plans to call vet in the morning if no better, however seemed much better in the morning. We put it down to him over doing it because of the steep hill maybe tweaking a muscle . Slowly started to do a little bit with him again to try and build up fitness and today took him for a short road hack, was in mid sentence saying to a friend that he's come sound again and then the limping began again (at the time we were going up a slight incline in a steady trot). I'm thinking maybe I didn't give the original "injury" time to heal and this has aggravated it again. Hoof looked fine no heat or swellings anywhere but unhappy to put weight on it to lift other hoof. Vet coming in the morning but any suggestions or similiar experiences please, thanks


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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I thought it could be but it was a smooth road surface, Ive just got a feeling it's muscular as this all started after overdoing it on a hack at Christmas. That's for the suggestion