Idiot Horse (long)


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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I only had 2 to bring in yesterday, but they dont get on walking down from top field through bottom field to yard togather so had to bring them in separately. Ben is a shire x arab of all thing so i'm sure you can imagine what he gets like and Kiwi is pure ID.

I brought Ben in first because he stands in the field screaming if he doesnt. Normally his owner comes up and gets him when I go and get Kiwi, but she was away this weekend so i was on my own. Suprisingly, he walked down like an angel, quietly calmly and was a sweetheart to groom and rug up for a change.

Kiwi however was an idiot-i turned to walk back up the field to ses her charging at flat out gallop, tail and head held high, backwards and forwards across the field churning it up. I caught her and she walked steadily through the gate and was walking down really nicely, when all of a sudden, front hooves shot up about a foot from my face and she tried to charge off, I held on but could feel her getting stronger and stronger, so unclipped the leadrope and she charged down through the bottom field churning that up too. Her owner has always told me not to put myself in danger when doing her horses and if it comes to it, to just turn her loose. I caught her at the gate and she walked into the yard with the rope wrapped around her nose, tied her up and set about grooming her and rugging her up-but she decided that her rug was a big scary monster out to get her and she got loose from where she was tied up. Eventually she calmed down, i checked her over for any heat in her legs etc and i put her to bed.

I went down to the house to see her owner and told her all of this and she said 'oh, yes, shes been like that all week, i forgot to tell you to catch her in a bridle and bring her in first.....'

You can imagine how i felt!! phew, sorry for the long post but really needed to get that out!!!!


Well-Known Member
30 October 2005
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Blessed horses! Have had in the past some beasts who just charged, and when you are on a muddy track you got no choice but to let go.

Shire x Arab? Who on earth would do that?! Can't picture or imagine the beasty!


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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Shire x Arab? Who on earth would do that?! Can't picture or imagine the beasty!

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He's jet black 15hh, really pretty but looks like a cob TBH!! he's got the attitude and bolshyness of a shire to handle but flightyness of an arab to ride!! I have never ridden him but have seen him being ridden and am happy to just watch!!!! hehe