Well-Known Member
Just read the posts about the airplane and landrover and trailer and thought I'd add my own scare story!! Went out this evening and had a lovely time riding through the woods and fields. The last 1/2 mile home is on a narrow twisty little country road. Met a four wheel drive coming towards me, he slowed right down and just as he drew level with me an idiot on a moped came up so fast behind me, he couldn't stop (would have dropped the bike under the landy or me) and went through the gap between me and the landy. The look on the other drivers face was absolute disbelief, I dread to think what I looked like!! Che was an absolute star, didn't bat an eyelid. The moped rider had the grace to look behind him and acknowledge that he had been rather stupid, to say the least! Why oh why do people have to speed round blind bends