Active Member
Hi everyone, has anyone got any experience of how horses *actually* cope with the big windows on these? I've had a mosey through the thread from when they were coming out but can't find a lot about experiences in them since then. I have one who is travelling poorly in a 3.5t equitrek but due to the horrific rattling of the flaps, partition etc down our rough lanes, however slow I drive, not anxious when vehicles pass and we've been through noisy roadworks so this has been thoroughly tested!! He loves looking out of his window while we're on the move (camera) so I'm thinking he'd enjoy the view from the hbx but have seen others say they'd be worried about their passengers "freaking". For reasons I'm sure would bore you a trailer would now be the best option and the light and spaciousness of the hbx makes it appeal, as long as I'm not thinking too "human" and not enough "horse"!?